Volodymyr Horianskyi

Volodymyr Horianskyi

Birth : 1959-02-24,


Volodymyr Horianskyi
Volodymyr Horianskyi


The Old Miller's Tale
Kozak Perets
Morshyn's 11
Everyone knows that Morshyn was built on a meteorite crash site, which is rich in a rare metal osmium. Wanting to earn easy money, Snizhana decides to deceive everyone and take possession of a valuable object. Anything could have happened if 11 children from Morshyn had not gotten in her way. Uniting into a single front for the sake of a greater goal, they start fighting injustice
CAPTUM (Lat. Captivity)
This is a story about a man, who is transforming into beast because of being driven to despair. This is a try to investigate what a person can stand, which tortures and indignity can overcome, how many people he can kill in the sake of saving one.
Stepan Semenovych Hamkalo
The film is about a young trumpeter Nicholas Shevchenko. He's a talented musician, who also writes his own music, attracting the attention of the world famous musician Eugene Gaisin, who tours the city.
A big difference
Elena is a successful business woman of 39 years. Her life has everything except a man on whom she could rely. The work gradually becomes the meaning of her life and, in order to at least somehow resist this, she decides to try her luck at a marriage agency, where she really meets her fate. He may be 10 years younger than her, but is this really a barrier to love?
Two in One
This celebrated director's "exquisite cruelty" appears front and center when the death of a stage actor turns a theatrical drama into a real one. Two in One's two parts, "Stagehands" and "Woman of a Lifetime," celebrate the psychological richness that lurks just beneath the surface of banal reality - if murderous stagehands, lascivious fathers and vengeful daughters can be described as banal.
Villa of discord, or dance of the solar eclipse
Divorce is trauma, it is stress, it is tears and disputes, it is a solution to property conflicts. And the wealthier you are, the more difficult it is to share the good acquired in marriage. Husband and wife are getting divorced. Passions boil, nerves to the limit. The apple of discord becomes a villa in Mexico, in Acapulco. Finally, a luxurious mansion is put up for auction, and our heroes, having a little scolding for formality, are scattered in different directions. Time passes. Ex-spouses decide to celebrate the New Year in a mansion not yet sold - of course, everyone is sure that this bright thought occurred to him alone. An unexpected meeting does not bode well, the clouds are gathering fast, the thunder is about to strike - but that's not all! On the doorstep of the house appears the buyer of the villa, the local Al Capone, who came to look at a tidbit before parting with his millions ...
Anna - an ordinary woman 35 years old. She works in a small office, she is divorced, single mother with a son. Repeated attempts to arrange a personal life and find a good father to the boy came to nothing. One day, returning home, the main character accidentally witnesses a politician's assassination.
Aurora dreams about becoming a talented ballet dancer one day. However, life is not so simple. 12-year-old orphan Aurora Nedelina lives in an orphanage in Pripyat and accidentally becomes a witness to the explosion at the Chernobyl APP. Having received a critical dose of radiation, she is sent to an American hospital where she meets the rich American Russian, Nick Astakhov--the world-famous dancer who had emigrated from the USSR 15 years prior. Nick is talented, successful, young, yet disappointed in life. Meeting up with Aurora helps Nick turn it all around. However, with each day, Aurora fades away a little more. Only something short of a miracle can save her
The Adventures of Verka Serduchka
This is a story about the Ukrainian Cinderella. Since childhood, Vera "Verka" Serduchka dreams of becoming a famous artist. To fulfill her dream, the girl, after finishing school, goes to the capital, where her adventures begin...
Zhenskaya Intuiciya 2
Истории трех закадычных подруг продолжаются. Их вновь закружит вихрь любовных переживаний и эмоций. Инга, «освежив» внешность с помощью пластической операции, неожиданно решает вернуть старую любовь. Из-за глупого недоразумения Лиля разругалась со своим мужем Мишей. У Александра и Даши все складывается как нельзя лучше, дело идет к свадьбе. Но этот романтический рай вдруг омрачает ревность…
Bezumnyi den ili zhenitba Figaro
Действие разворачивается в замке великого коррехидора Андалусии графа Альмавивы. Повеса-граф, устав от приключений на стороне, решил найти любовницу в своем собственном замке, и обратил свой взор на первую камеристку графини, очаровательную Сюзанну. Внимание графа отнюдь не польстило Сюзанне, готовящейся выйти замуж за графского камердинера Фигаро. Она сообщила своему жениху о настойчивых ухаживаниях Альмавивы. Узнала об этом и графиня. Она решила проучить своего неверного мужа. Был составлен заговор, участником которого, кроме Сюзанны, графини и Фигаро стал паж Керубино…
Pseudo-documentary style drama about drug addicts by Aleksandr Shapiro.
Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka
In the remote Ukrainian village of Dikanka, handsome but poor Vakula loves the beautiful Oxana, but she's holding out for a wealthy prince, and her father doesn't think much of him either. On Christmas Eve she sends him on a ridiculous quest for dancing shoes that takes him all the way to the imperial palace in Saint Petersburg, Russia, with the help of some odd characters from the village and the Devil himself.
The young man decides to go into business. The main advantage of "novice businessman" is a great ability to mimic other people's voices.
Take care of everything
Are the final months of the Second World war. A group of special forces sailors under the command of Lieutenant Balandin receives a secret order of special importance to penetrate the enemy rear and destroy tankers, seaplanes and gun installations to ensure the free landing of our troops. For nine experienced daredevils, there are no impossible tasks, but they are given only one day to carry out the order, and what awaits the sabotage group in the enemy's lair, even the intelligence does not know, the fighters know: now they can only rely on their own strength, which means they will have to take everything on themselves.
Mercedes Runs Away from the Chase
german soldier
The film is set during World War II. After capturing the "trophy" Mercedes, a group of scouts, disguised as German officers commits a daring raid behind enemy lines (the 116th Motorized Division) on roads controlled by the enemy.
Mercedes Runs Away from the Chase
German soldier
The film is set during World War II. After capturing the "trophy" Mercedes, a group of scouts, disguised as German officers commits a daring raid behind enemy lines (the 116th Motorized Division) on roads controlled by the enemy.