Víctor Junco

Víctor Junco

Birth : 1917-06-18, Veracruz, Mexico

Death : 1988-07-06


Víctor Mortimer Junco (18 June 1917 – 6 July 1988) was a Mexican film actor. He appeared in 140 films between 1935 and 1988.


Víctor Junco


El juego de la muerte
Cartucho cortado
A group of people are taken hostage by some brutal thugs.
Siempre en domingo
Behind the scenes at a popular TV variety show, highly fictionalized.
Asalto en Tijuana
Bad guys blackmail some ex-commando veterans into stealing a racehorse.
Los dos matones
That cartel guy wants to buy the Terraza family's ranch, but they don't want to sell. Can they hold out till their tough-guy older brother comes home to take charge of this situation?
Una pura y dos con sal
Young woman engineers a reconciliation between her long-estranged parents.
Mercenarios de la Muerte
Mexican feature film
The White Indian
The Great Victory
The adventures and misadventures the popular singer Rigo Tovar, his relationships, trips and unparalleled successes
Noche de juerga
Spur-of-the-moment nightclub hookup leaves a straying husband framed for a murder.
Novia, esposa y amante
Aspiring actress finds herself sidetracked from her goals when she gets romanced-up by her director. It's all downhill from there.
El héroe desconocido
Don Ramón
An outcast, Rodolfo Martínez, whom no one loves and whom everyone despises and undervalues ​​in his town of Valle Verde, in Mexico, decides to change his luck. He decides to invent that he has a very important ancestor and that is why he deserves a statue that will remind future generations of everything he has done. Rodolfo doesn't care what happens, all he wants is to stop being a failure and for people to see him as an equal.
Soap opera's director
A soap opera actor is mixed in a real drama very similar to what he represents in his work.
Vivir para amar
Bar-band yout gets groomed for stardom: exploitative management and loss of personal authenticity are the result. Can he pull out of his Siempre En Domingo death-spiral?
Deadly Nightmare
The Holy War
Padre Miguel
Through the humble potter Celso we will know one of the most dramatic events in the history of Mexico in the twentieth century, in which the federal government and Catholic believers, fought a bloody struggle. Time passes and the Church and the State agree to peace. Celso and his companions are rejected by both sides.
En la trampa
Don Fernando Marquez
Oscar Cardenas is a free young man who dreams of being a racer. One day he is trapped by Isabel Salas, a young secretary, who while finds a husband, she is sleeping with her boss. Oscar and Isabel end at the altar. From that moment Oscar, is falling into the traps that the 'society' puts over him...
Gente violenta
Heist and double-crosses.
El fuego de mi ahijada
Porfirio Díaz
Based on a true story in the American owned Cananea mine. It depicts how the owner profits while the Mexican workers struggle to survive and are exploited for their labour.
The Long Awaited Desperate Love
A thirty-something woman fears that life is passing her by and that she's going to end up as the family's 'maiden aunt'. She imagines that somebody in her circle is courting her, and he's too polite to disillusion her. And then...
Pink Zone
In a whorehouse in Acapulco, lives Leonor, a young and beautiful woman who is awaiting to reunite with an old lover. Suddenly, the man reappears to take her away from her life of vice. But the debt owed by Leonor to the "Madame" of the house causes a series of conflicts.
The Living Forces
Padre Ángel
It narrates the phenomenon of the Mexican Revolution, satirically reflected through what happens in a town far from the places where the true Revolution was fiercely fought.
The Living Forces
It narrates the phenomenon of the Mexican Revolution, satirically reflected through what happens in a town far from the places where the true Revolution was fiercely fought.
Sangre derramada
Aventuras de un caballo blanco y un niño
Frontier boy orphaned after a military actiion,, escapes with his horse into Mexico and has adventures.
Viento salvaje
A drama, western film.
El principio
Mexico is in the midst of Revolution when the protagonist returns after studying in Paris to find his native town in Chihuahua occupied by Francisco Villa’s revolutionary forces. He visits his deserted home and remembers people and events from his adolescence that provide glimpses of pre-Revolutionary society under dictatorship: his uncle, the chief of police; his sister’s involvement with a liberal political association; bathing with the girls from a local brothel; a labor strike that ended in a massacre. Returning to the present he discovers that his father has been assassinated and, in the company of his father’s former servant, joins the revolutionary movement.
La tigresa
Orphan girl grows up to take revenge on the men who killed her parents.
The Beasts of Terror
A young heiress is kidnapped by two aspiring thieves who are then captured by a mad scientist. It's up to the police, Santo, and Blue Demon to rescue them.
Who Killed Grandpa?
A man dies of a heart attack and his wife hides the body in order to continue collecting pension.
End of the Party
A motorcycle gang goes to a mansion where a party is being held and joy turns into tragedy.
Bang bang al hoyo
Parody western about a poofy gunslinger and his brothers.
Santo vs. the Vice Mafia
Doctor Moon
Legendary masked wrestler El Santo must stop a criminal gang.
The Vengeance of the Vampire Women
Dr. Igor Brancov
The vampire women of Mexico have awakened to take their revenge on the descendant of the man who destroyed them shortly after they had emigrated to Mexico during the 19th century.
El mejor del mundo
A professional runner can't run anymore since he has a heart condition.
Pancho Tequila
Naïve moviegoers in his hometown think a certain actor is tough like the characters he plays and will be able to clear their town of badguys.
Madame Death
A mad scientist teams with an evil, disfigured woman to kidnap and operate on young women to make her look beautiful again.
Enigma de muerte
Mil Mascaras investigates a nest of fifth-columnists operating out of a carnival (!) led by a Nazi (John Carradine) attempting to resurrect the Third Reich posing as a circus clown .
The Undefeated
Major Tapia
After the Civil War, ex-Union Colonel John Henry Thomas and ex-Confederate Colonel James Langdon are leading two disparate groups of people through strife-torn Mexico. John Henry and company are bringing horses to the unpopular Mexican government for $35 a head while Langdon is leading a contingent of displaced southerners, who are looking for a new life in Mexico after losing their property to carpetbaggers. The two men are eventually forced to mend their differences in order to fight off both bandits and revolutionaries, as they try to lead their friends and kin to safety.
Mi padrino
Bumbling oaf takes custody of his god-daughter and helps her advance her singing career.
The Big Cube
A young woman and her drug addict boyfriend plot to drive the woman's stepmother insane with LSD in a plot to secure an inheritance.
Requiem por un canalla
Frank, el jefe
La vuelta del Mexicano
1850s. Seminary student abandons the priesthood to fight for social justice in formerly-Mexican territories of the SW USA. Sequel to El Mexicano (1966).
Rocambole contra las mujeres arpías
Ramiro Márquez
Super-detective muscle dude in tights vs a criminal mastermind who doses women with ugly serum to make them commit crimes.
Una mujer sin precio
Exotic dancer with a masochistic streak can't decide which of two boyfriends treats her more thrillingly badly.
Pasiones infernales
The daughters of the sun are women who meet the erotic needs of pearl fishermen on the island of Samoa. Marcia is the only one of these women who chooses to whom she gives her sensual pleasures. She rejects Mario, the richest man on the island, and falls for his son, Cándido. After he finds out, Mario seeks to jeopardize Marcia by all means to force her to make her his.
Un hombre peligroso
Don Efren
Sequel to El Zurdo: ten years later, El Zurdo returns to his home town. The little boy whose father he killed in part one has grown up, and still wants revenge... but doesn't recognize him. Meanwhile, his ex-girlfriend, now a widow, needs help protecting her property and her person from the predatory owner of a neighboring ranch.
El rifle implacable
Two young women need a hired gun to protect their ranch from marauders; the feistier of the two arranges for a gunman who has the right stuff to be busted out of jail so he can work for them.
La diosa impura
After a series of doublecrosses involving stolen diamonds, a gangster's babe in Argentina flees to Mexico; she's kept by a druggy, decadent painter and then falls in love with his brother.
La fierecilla del puerto
Young love and the obstacles thereunto, in colorful, exotic Veracruz.
El cara parchada
Average guy is mistaken for notorious gangster.
Creo en ti
A rich young woman marries a man who will disappoint her emotionally and financially.
La llamada de la muerte
Bank-robber hiding out after a heist discovers that half the world knows where he is. Can he finesse some way out of his predicament?
The Shadow of the Strongman
General Domínguez
Post-revolucionary Mexico. War secretary Ignacio Jimenez is chosen as the candidate for presidency, but he isn't so sure about it, because he knows that his boss and current president, El Caudillo, has chosen a second one.
Una señora movida
"Old dark house" spooky-comedy.
Fever Mounts at El Pao
Aroused citizens assassinate an unpopular Caribbean despot, then two men vie for his gorgeous widow Ines. Ojeda is a steamy, isolated island, the penal colony for an oppressive dictatorship. A reactionary seizes the murdered governor's post, and rushes to eliminate his romantic rival, an idealistic underling. The bureaucrat Vazquez hopes to marshal the angry residents of the capitol, El Pao, plus the many political prisoners, to oust Governor Gual.
Ash Wednesday
José Antonio
1913: A young woman is raped by a priest and turns away from the Church as a result of the experience. 1924: She now is the owner of an expensive brothel, and she plays a small role on both sides of the Cristero Uprising, when foreign-born clergy were deported from Mexico.
Ladrones de niños
Mariano Rivera
Kidnapping band has a system set up to transport infants and older children to black-market adoptive parents in the USA.
Tu hijo debe nacer
Zonga, el ángel diabólico
Alejandro Aldama
Visiting Medical Researcher gets involved with a cult Priestess somewhere deep in the jungle.
La virtud desnuda
A certain young woman won't allow her virtuous reputation to be compromised... until her suitors agree to the price she sets on it. Twist ending.
La adúltera
Raúl Galvez
Jilted lover takes revenge on her ex's new wife.
Three men in a mining community end up competing for the same woman.
Llamas contra el viento
Three young women all find the deepest and abidingest and truest of true forever loves during a one-week vacation.
Seven Cities of Gold
Lt. Faces
In 1769, a Spanish expedition to California seeks to conquer the land and discover its famed gold treasures while missionaries aim to gain new converts and establish a network of Catholic missions.
La mujer X
Don Fernando Iturriaga
A woman accused of murder refuses to defend herself in any way, in order to avoid tarnishing the family name and the reputation of her long-lost son.
Pecado Mortal
Juan Manuel
Juan Manuel intends his wife Clara, who is blind, sign the will in his favor, but she refuses. With them lives Soledad, goddaughter Clara. A day comes Carlos, nephew of Juan Manuel, who is interested in Soledad. Carlos is going to study medicine in the United States and maintains correspondence with Soledad. Juan Manuel shows interest in Soledad but prevents Clara meet her. She is the daughter of Clara, who hid that Juan Manuel had killed the father of Soledad and also caused her blindness.
El enmascarado de plata
Mysterious wrestler-dude teams up with a teenaged boy and fights supervillainous criminal gang.
Rebellion of the Hanged
A peasant who works in a mahogany camp in the Mexican jungles with his family is disgusted with the miserable living conditions imposed upon himself and his co-workers, the peasant finally spearheads a revolt against the sadistic bosses.
Las cariñosas
When three beautiful young nurses from Jalisco, afflicted with a rare disease called "sexappealitis", create commotion among the patients in a hospital, they are forced to resign. They travel to Mexico City following the suggestion of a crazy scientist, who tells them they will be cured when they get married. But they are attracted to three men who are indifferent to their sexy looks, being themselves sick with "lovetitis".
Adventure in Rio
Dr. Ignacio Pendas
Tourist gets bonked on the head, suffers an amnesiac fugue, wanders away from her husband and children, becomes an evil prostitute-y thief-y saloon gal.
Te Sigo Esperando
Romantic melodrama
Mujer de medianoche
Young woman elopes with her fiancé; during their honeymoon, things happen that cause them to be separated, and she finds herself alone in a big city with no resources to fall back on.
Sangre en el barrio
Slumlord and his daughter interfere in the lives of the proletariat for personal gratification.
Hay un niño en su futuro
Wacky rich woman subjects her husband, servants and friends to a series of elaborate masquerades, remodeling her house and wardrobe every couple of days to represent different historical eras or cultural milieux. Today she's Marie Antoinette, tomorrow she may be Pancho Villa's common-law wife or a nun.
El infierno de los pobres
A young woman becomes pregnant but when his boyfriend leaves her she gets a job as a prostitute in order to provide for her child.
Que idiotas son los hombres
After divorcing her cheating husband, a newly single still and beautiful woman, (played by Actress Rosa Carmina), travels to Acapulco. She soon becomes the center of attention and spoiled for choice when she finds herself wooed by no less than four handsome suitors, three of whom are very wealthy and prominent men. Initially torn between her head and her heart, but mindful of past mistakes, Carmina's character chooses love over money and picks a humble and hard-working waiter. Directed by Juan Orol, (Carmina's soon-to-be ex-husband in real-life), this drama features the long, drawn-out scenes and shadowy film noir techniques which he became well- known for.
Lost Love
Songwriter + nice girl vs. mobsterdudes at the cabaret.
Mujeres sacrificadas
Mario Galindo
Nightclub dancer comes unglued after killing a man.
Flor de sangre
Una mujer sin destino
"Brilliant" young painter watches his wife lapse into schizophrenia.
The Devil Is a Woman
Adrian Villanueva
A woman, after committing a murder, flees into a church, confessing her life story to a priest.
Wild Love
Alma leaves Panama to go live with her aunt Antonia and with Manuel, her husband. There she meets Julio, who tries to woo her.
Amor con amor se paga
Pre-Revolutionary setting; class conflicts and a romance across class-boundaries.
La mujer del puerto
Alberto Méndez
Orphaned, abandoned by her fiance, forced into prostitution by the absence of "respectable" alternatives.And the-e-en...
Luciano Martínez, el caimán
Blind nightclub pianist takes in a young singer/entertainer when she hits bottom... but once she gets stable and starts thinking about maybe a boyfriend, his unspoken intentions start to surface.
Secreto entre mujeres
A big ol' player has different stages of a thing happening with each of the five women in a household.
Rincón brujo
Young peasant woman allows an army officer to woo her, as a way of drawing attention away from her father's insurgent connections... while her own affections are torn between two brothers.
La bien pagada
Fernando Jordán
Melodrama about marital infidelity.
Los viejos somos así
Two card-sharps fall for the same woman.
Nocturno de amor
Venice Film Festival 1948
La malagueña
Traveling salesman falls for shopkeeper's daughter in one of the towns on his route. Bad news: she already has two suitors among the local fellers.
La vida íntima de Marco Antonio y Cleopatra
The Other
A mousy, poor manicurist seeks to switch places with her more glamorous, wealthy twin sister.
Las abandonadas
Julio Cortázar / Margarito
A young woman, abandoned by her womanizing fiancé, is forced to provide for the upbringing of her son and combat the difficulties of being an unmarried mother during the strife of early 20-century Mexico.
El Gran Makakikus
Uncultured nouveau- riche wants to be received in high society. Loose adaptation of Moliere.
Calaveras del terror
Feature-length version of a serial, originally in twelve chapters. Three-hour runtime, later re-edited into two 90 minute features called Las Calaveras Del Terror and Vuelven Las Calaveras Del Terror. Good guys vs bad guys for possession of a map showing the location of a lost mine.
Vuelven las calaveras del terror
Social Justice Warriors. On Horseback. Wearing Dia de los Muertos costumes. Originally produced as a six-hour collection of serial chapters (1943), then edited down (1944) into a 3-hour feature... then re-released (1950s?) as two 90-minute features. The first one seems to have disappeared, this is the second one.
Mi lupe y mi caballo
La feria de las flores
Ranchera melodrama/romance.
El Capitan Aventurero
Don Gil de Alacala (José Mojica), a swashbuckler also known as Captain Adventure, must overcome a series of difficult trials and tribulations in order to save the love of his life, Carmina (Manolita Saval), who is engaged to marry a terrible nobleman. Based upon the libretto "Don Gil de Alcala" by Manuel Penella, this classic black-and-white romance also stars Margarita Mora, Carlos Orellana and Sara García.
Caballo A Caballo
Two con-men end up at a country estate, where they thwart some jewel-thieves.
Café Concordia
During the early XX Century, a lovely woman dancer has an amazing success in a place called "Cafe Concordia". She is courting by many men, buts he is in love with Ernesto, a young man whose parents are against their relationship. Ernesto invites Raquel to a party at his home but she is snubbed by his mother and offended by a slighted pretender. Ernesto faces this man in a duel in which he is about to be killed by his rival, but Raquel protects his body and receives the bullet. She dies in Ernesto's arms.
El Cementerio De Las Aguilas
Soldado (uncredited)
Historical drama, French occupation of the 1830s.
Canto a mi tierra
Camarero (uncredited)
Theatrical producers discover a new musical-theatre star in a small farming town.
Hombres del mar
A 1938 film.
Los millones de Chaflán
Cliente en cabaret (uncredited)