Đorđe Marković


Balkan Line
After the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, the Yugoslav army pulls out of Kosovo region, leaving Serbian people at the mercy of the Albanian UCK terrorists. A small band of soldiers must take over the Slatina airport, and hold it until the Russian peacekeepers arrive.
Good Morning, Neighbor 4
Violeta gives birth to a baby, while Ceda's mother-in-law gets wasted which makes place for plenty new adventures in the village. It's a story about life and death told in a humorous way.
Police Officer
When a rookie operative's mistake costs the lives of his entire team, he's forced on the run and must piece together the truth by re-creating the events of the ill-fated mission with only the audio recording to guide him.
This is the story about Todor, hardworking and ambitious student. He lives with his mother in very modest life. But, in a strange way, seemingly by accident, Visnja appears, desperate, pregnant girl who needs help and protection.
Emergency Exit
Mr. Stojanovic got his first aid kit stolen... Petar is smoking out the window of his rented room... Mr. Ivanovic has a hearing problem... Luka and Marko are getting into a fight over a football game... Mr. Filipovic is sent by his wife to buy groceries...
Tears for Sale
Story of two sisters that grew up in a small Serbian village in the beginning of the 1930s. The village is torn up by wars and years long blood oath. There are no men left in the village. Our heroines, Ognjenka and Mala Boginja decide to go to the city, kidnap men and return life to their village. The lights of the metropolis dazzle them and there starts this little amusing and sentimental adventure.
Thy Neighbors
One day in the lives of the Belgrade tower’s tenants, whose destiny is never going to be same from then on.
The Battles of Simeon the Student
Knez Vukan Radić
Thematically diverse stories written by Petar Kocic are bond by the thread, creating the basis for a dramatic story of the events surrounding the student Simeun. In the foreground there's a summary of Simeun's features, some patriotic, but some arrogant as well. These Simeun's actions are manifesto of the complexity of his nature, acting like a tyrant and patriot who displays bravery for the sake of freedom of his people.