Ferenc Hujber
Birth : 1974-09-09, Szombathely, Hungary
Várnai András
Small time Hungarian matchmakers get the job to make a Hollywood star fall in love with a Russian businessman's spoiled brat sister. They get one million dollars if they succeed, but if they fail, they will have to pay with their lives.
András Várnai
A lottónyereménynek hála, Tamás megcsinálhatta a filmjét, ami azonban a várakozásokkal ellentétben nagyot bukott. A három fiú egy képeslap révén Alex nyomára jut, aki most szabadult a dutyiból Amerikában és megint csak álnéven, egy színdarab jogait akarja megszerezni. A fiúk azt remélik, hogy megtalálják Alexet, megveszik előle a jogokat és végre visszaszerzik a hatvan milliójukat, amivel a férfi lelépett. Irány Amerika! Ám természetesen a dolgok megint nem az elképzelések szerint alakulnak. Végül Tamásra vár a feladat, hogy Budapesten rendezze meg a darabot.
Kata, in her 20s, loses her boyfriend and her job on the same day. She's been indulging in fantasies of a more thrilling romantic life, and the cold water of being alone and unemployed doesn't entirely dampen her imagination. She's egged on by three girlfriends who get together to talk about men and sex. Kata has possibilities: she meets David, a medical student; there's Tamás, a stranger on a train who might be good for a relationship and a job. There's also Miki, her brother who's had serious drug problems. Is fulfillment within her grasp?
Attila Boraros
Tamás is a young, Budapest-based director of video clips and commercials who dreams of directing his...
As if we were in a small town. An ordinary day in a kid’s life. An incredibly hot day. Here everything is unique. One gang. One game. One field. One girl. In the span of one day, how can this boy arrive at such a changing point in his life from which there is no return?
Bruno, a bisexual but closeted young man lives in rural Hungary with his girlfriend Mari. Also on the scene is her homosexual brother Ringo. Mari doesn't know that when the boys go off to work together in the city they raise cash by turning tricks and burglarizing houses.
An adaptation of the classic, "The Prince and the Pauper" is the retelling of Edward Tudor and young Thomas Canty, two amazing look-alikes caught up in imperial intrigue and scandal. In fleeing from his violent father, Tom stumbles into the palace courtyard, and is seen by young Prince Edward, who takes him in. Each desiring to see what the other's life is like, the boys impulsively switch identities... little knowing what disaster lies ahead at this fault of thought. And soon Thomas becomes a pawn in the hands of Edward's malicious and greedy uncle, who would have the kingdom for himself.
A love story between a young, policeman and a Chinese immigrant girl, who speak no common language.
Sometime not too far in the future a revolution takes place in a certain country. A special dictatorship, the Smokers' Society. The changes of the revolution transform the structures of the society radically. On top of hierarchy stands the Doctor Prime Minister. The main characters live in this country that has its own laws. They have something in common: they do nothing.