Tatyana Pelttser

Tatyana Pelttser

Birth : 1904-06-06, Moscow, Russian Empire

Death : 1992-07-16


Tatyana Pelttser


Поминальная молитва
Prince Udacha Andreyevich
соседка Северьяна
Two young boys are trying to prevent a massive antiquities theft.
One, two - woe, never mind
Defeating the terrible dragon, the soldier Ivan returns from the war. The Far Far Away rejoices. The king, also Ivan, is very pleased. He awards the namesake with an order with pearls, appoints a field marshal and offers his wife his own daughter Maria Louise. But the soldier suddenly refuses everything.
Возвращение домовёнка
Baba-Yaga (voice) / Баба Яга
After the Rain, on Thursday
A palace steward conspires with bandits to kidnap an infant czar's son and an orphan adopted by the czar, replacing the prince with the steward's son. Two decades later the true prince and his foster brother are slaves in a quarry, the changeling grew up as a prince, and his mother has been elevated to the highest position in the state for "saving" the prince, but losing her own child. Then the brothers escape, the changeling prince departs to fight an immortal wizard and vanishes, and the brothers have to deal with the wizard. Which includes stealing a bird-woman from a Mid-Eastern khan and figuring where the wizard's death is.
Malyavkin and Company
Anna Petrovna, biology teacher
A funny story about a fourth-grader Malyavkin and his various adventures.
Personal Case of Judge Ivanova
Anna Nikolaevna
A young girl decides to leave her home after she fails to make a peace in the family.
Кто войдёт в последний вагон...
Antonina Nikolaevna, clown
Tale for Natasha
Баба Яга
Как стать счастливым
Lida's grandmother
Голубая стрела
Приключения домовёнка
Baba-Yaga (voice)
And Then Came Bumbo...
A very sick girl asks her father to get her a live elephant. Based on the early stories by Alexander Kuprin.
Red, Honest, in Love
Owl Ilona
A story about a young fox Ludwig XIV Larsen and his friendship with a handsome chicken Tutta Karlson. Based on Jan-Olof Ekholm book.
Formula of Love
Федосья Ивановна
A young aristocrat, Aleksei Fedyashev, is languishing in his family's country estate, spending his days reading poetry and confessing his love... to a statue. Upon hearing that famous Count Cagliostro is touring Russia and has created quite a buzz in high society with his "magic", he decides to ask the Count to bring the statue to life...
Dusya, Masha's Great-grandmother
Masha, an adventurous five years old girl tries to find what to do while her preschool is closed for quarantine.
Не было печали
Yulia Dmitrievna, Vadim's mother
Donkey's Hide
Witch Gravidana
At the festivities marking the christening of princess Theresa, daughter of king Gaston IX, a wicked fairy made a mysterious prophecy about the girl's life. Seventeen years later, Theresa falls in love with a poor prince named Jacques. Then the prophecy starts coming true...
Along Unknown Paths
Baba-Yaga, Varvara Egorovna
Going to vacation at his grandmother’s in a village, the boy Mitya could never imagine that he would become a participant of the extraordinary adventures in a fairy-tale land.
Sailors Have No Questions
Claudia Mikhailovna
Two young people are forced to spend three days together...
The name of the earth and the sun
The teacher of the village school Horia, trying to instill in students a love for their land, tells them the legends associated with the ancient belfry. This displeases the headmaster, who did not understand the real motives of the teacher's behavior. The belfry burns down during the fire, leaves the village of Horia. But all that is good and useful that I did Horia is not lost. Remain his students.
Otstavnoy Kozy Barabanshchik
Уж пятый десяток пошел герою картины, а он все еще продолжает искать свое место в жизни и этой самой жизни смысл. Перепробовав с десяток профессий, работает сантехником — и считает, что тоже временно. Жена в сердцах называет его «отставной козы барабанщиком».Горожанин Гаврюшко Чупрун после очередной ссоры с женой решил начать "новую" жизнь. Взяв у соседа форму и выдав себя за капитана дальнего плавания, уехал в село, где родился и вырос. Но очень скоро истина стала для всех очевидной - и приехавшей жене пришлось спасать Гаврилу от позора.
Hands Up!
A funny tale about a group of children fighting the evil sorcerer.
Dulcinea of Tobossa
Dulcinea seeks an eternal dream of justice, chivalry, protection of the wronged in real, everyday life but all her dreams fail to come true. All men to whom she turns for setting the out-of-joint time right fall short of her expectations because they are too small for the task. She is mocked, exposed and disappointed. So what to do? Somebody has to take Don Quixote's place.
Nochnoye Proishestviye
Aleksandra Alekseyevna
В одном из московских переулков милиция обнаружила пострадавшую женщину с травмой головы. Галина Укладова, приехавшая из Магадана, утверждает, что на неё совершил разбойное нападение таксист и отнял у неё крупную сумму денег и документы. Таксиста Воронова, который уже отбывал срок за хулиганство, удалось задержать. Укладова на очной ставке опознаёт в нём нападавшего. Всё свидетельствует о вине Воронова. Однако опытный следователь Митин чувствует, что за рутинным бытовым преступлением кроется нечто большее.
Could One Imagine?
Roman's grandmother
Two high school kids meet in class and fall madly in love with each other. Unfortunately, His father and her mother had a history of their own between them which creates uneasiness in both of them. Also because of that, the boy's mother is very jealous and tries to separate them. The only person that tries to help them is their teacher who has relationship problems of her own.
Accept a Telegram for Credit
A young boy is trying to arrange money in order to build aircraft.
Здравствуй, река
Three Men in a Boat
Mrs. Poppits
Three London gentlemen take vacation rowing down the Thames, encountering various mishaps and misadventures along the way.
Aniskin Again
Glafira Aniskina
Third and final part of the comedies about the funny adventures of countryside cop named Aniskin.
Между небом и землёй
Klimov's Mother
Личное счастье
Agrippina Savelievna Tikotskaya
A Lullaby for Men
tetya Tanya
A single mother for years had an amazing relationships with her son. But all ended when a young girl joined the family.
How Ivanushka the Fool Travelled in Search of Wonder
A story about Ivanushka the Fool based on classic Russian fairytales.
You to Me, Me to You
aunt Lyuba
Ivan Sergeevich Kashkin — the bath attendant of the most prestigious metropolitan bath. It’s not easy to get to him: reputable diplomats, well-known footballers, and the heads of the ministry are seeking the honor to steam. But Kashkin himself does not need to achieve anything, everything is at his service — from black caviar to tickets to the conservatory. And the hero’s cloudless life would have flowed, but then his twin brother Sergei fell ill and asked Ivan to replace him in his equally strange work.
The Only One
Kolya Kasatkin, who saw in his wife Tanyusha the ideal of female charm, tenderness, kindness, who loved her to the point of oblivion, was at a loss before the idle conversations of well-wishers about his wife's betrayal. Having found his wife with the choir director, Nikolai demanded a divorce. Continuing to love each other, the former spouses are unhappy in separation. Kasatkin's new hasty marriage did not return his peace of mind. In daily agony, in the pursuit of a past life, he also lost his old dream — to live and work in the Far East, where he served in the army. Both realized too late that love does not forgive hasty decisions, that it must be able to keep and protect.
We Didn't Learn This
Nadezhda Aleksandrovna
The heroes of the film are students of a pedagogical university, those who, after a year or two, have to carry knowledge to schoolchildren, "to sow the rational, good, eternal." In the meantime, student practice. True, the practice is not quite ordinary, because for the first time students leave far from the walls of their own university, for the first time they meet with students in the classroom not in the presence of their teachers, those with whom life encounters them daily at the institute, but with those who have been working for more than a year at school.
Heartbreak House
nanny Guinness
September evening, an unusual ark house, resembling a ship in shape, for its owner, the gray-haired old man, captain Châtover, sailed the whole life through the seas. A strange house where people behave differently. Young beauty sisters reign in this house, beckoning true gentlemen, as the light of a lamp beckons moths. This house fences its inhabitants from the outside world. Talk about the meaning of life, home entertainment, hopeless novels. And a premonition of trouble: at the same time, clouds of the First World were gathering over the good old England ...
One Times One
Having lived for his pleasure most of his life, floor polisher Ivan Karetnikov, on the threshold of his 60th birthday, did not for the first time leave his next wife himself, but she abandoned him, moreover, in public. In addition to these troubles, he was fired from his job, replaced by a mechanical polisher. In this difficult moment, Karetnikov remembered the first wife, and then the second and third. But turning to each of them, he seems to begin to lose hope of seeing compassion for himself.
Wake Up and Sing
aunt Tony
Dyula, the son of four Orbak, is a young man, like everyone at his age looking for love and at the same time dreaming of complete freedom. He loves parents, but he is terribly tired of notations and teachings. And by and large, like many young people, they themselves do not know very well what they want ...
Big Attraction
This is a fun musical film about the circus and a talented girl who dreams of becoming an artist. And although her path will be a lot of obstacles and funny misunderstandings, cheerful heroine still make your fantastic number — "Flight to the stars".
Царевич Проша
The Executive
Vera Borisovna
The film shows the daily life of an architecture studio, where a young student comes to work on his dissertation.
I Have a Friend
Mad day or Figaro wedding
The servant of Count Almaviva, the jolly and joker Figaro, is going to marry the maid of the Countess Rosina - Susanne. But the count wants to upset the wedding and make the girl his lover.
Aniskin and Fantomas
Glafira Aniskina
A second story about countryside cop named Aniskin.
Маленькие комедии большого дома
Maria Ivanovna
Theatrical movie based on an ordinary life of an average soviet family
The Twelve Months
A poor girl was given an impossible task by her stepmother: to gather snowdrops in a winter forest. Suddenly she stumbled across twelve brothers who happened to be the twelve months.
Чудак из пятого «Б»
бабушка Нины
Young People
She is smart, surrounded by parental attention and therefore not completely independent, and he is one of those who cannot imagine himself without creation, since he is a builder. They are very different people, but the young are united by a keen sense of responsibility for everything that happens around. And so, having parted, they will definitely meet again...
Малыш и Карлсон, который живет на крыше
Freken Bok
The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase
Do you know that there are doctors who can prescribe you the medicine to be brave?..
A Little Crane
Based on the novel of Mikhail Alekseyev "Bread — as a Noun." About the fate of a Russian woman who endured all the hardships of war and post-war life. After the war, those few who survived at the front returned to their native village. But Marfa's husband, whom she had been waiting for for so many years, would never return. Marfa, a beautiful and proud woman, remains true to her only love...
The Village Detective
Glafira Aniskina
Police officer Aniskin lives with his family in a rural Russian village whose inhabitants admire his gentleness and wisdom. When an accordion is stolen from the local clubhouse, he begins to investigate.
Two Comedies of Branislav Nušić
Teleplay based on comedies by Serbian playwright Branislav Nušić and combined with song by Andrey Mironov
Судьба играет человеком
Марья Семеновна
Big Troubles for a Small Boy
Arthur's grandmother
A child actor runs away from his film set and embarks on a series of adventures around Kiev.
Путешественник с багажом
Bus passanger
Vsyo dlya vas
Sasha, consultant
Null kolm
Carring, doctor
Father Frost
Eligible Bachelor's Mother
A fairy tale about a conceited young man and a young woman with a tyrannical step-mother, who must overcome magical trials in order to be together.
The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin
Darya Semyonova
An adventures of a young boy after taking a wrong turn on his road to home...
The End of the World
A satirical comedy with elements of metaphysical horror about religion in rural 1960s Soviet Russia. Notable for using first-person pseudo-documentary "found footage" technique framing the movie as the creation of the protagonist, who is returns to his home village from the city to discover that a local drunk has formed a doomsday cult.
Three Fat Men
Ganimed (voice)
Knight Move
Stepanida Kopeikina, Alyosha's grandmother
A fifteen years old boy is dreaming to become a tractor driver in the kolkhoz where he lives.
Yabloko razdora
Ulyana Dmitrievna Dudulka, milkmaid
The End of Old Beryozovka
Once at Borka, a big prankster and fidget, an adult friend appeared — the builder Ivan Degtyarev. Former sailor directed Borkin's energy in the right direction and made him his assistant. Soon a disaster happened in the Borkin family. His sister Liza will soon become a mother, and the father of the unborn child did not want to marry her and avoided meeting. Ivan tried to unite the young, but his attempts were unsuccessful. Having fallen in love with Lisa, he proposed to her — and soon the young happy family moved to a new home.
The Key
fairy Tulipina (voice)
The film is a cautionary tale about the need to develop good work habits, personal responsibility and conscience in life.
The First Date
Margarita Mikhailovna
Alexey and Valentina met in the tourist camp on Seliger, and after two weeks they celebrated their wedding. Returning to the family, the young couple faced the first difficulties. Both parents didn't like the willfulness of the young - and there were problems with housing. They started a constant quarrels. The young soon agreed that their wedding was premature ...
The Unusual Voyage of Mishka Strekachyov
Darya Semyonovna
A funny story about Mishka Strekachyov and his remarkable journey across the Soviet Union.
The Story about Newlyweds
A drama about a complications in a newlyweds life.
Ivan Brovkin on the State Farm
Brovkin's mother
Ivan Brovkin finishes serving in the army with the rank of sergeant and, together with a group of comrades after demobilization, decides to go to the development of state farm. He arrives at his native collective farm and meets there a cool welcome: the chairman of the collective farm, the bride Lyubasha and mother — consider him a traitor. The planned wedding is canceled, and Brovkin leaves for the state farm. Brovkin comes to the state farm at the time of plowing the land. He joins the team. Winter passes after working days. In letters home he writes that everything is fine with him. News about how Ivan lives is spreading throughout the village. Lyubasha is seriously thinking about running away from home to the state farm...
Clumsy friend
Story of animal trainers at a circus.
Maksim Perepelitsa
a neighbor of Maksim Perepelitsa
Maxim Perepelitsa is a cheerful, mischievous and resourceful young man from a Ukrainian village. He loves to make up stories and invent practical jokes. When he is drafted into the Russian Army, he doesn't stop his antics.
Natalya Alekseyevna
The film is about oilman who had beautiful voice. He didn't attach great importance to his friends is advice to get special music reward. But he changed his attitude to art under the influence of his friends.
Two Captains
Nina Kapitonovna
Based on the novel of the same name by Veniamin Kaverin. From childhood, Sanya Grigoryev was able to achieve success in any business. He grew up a courageous and brave man. The dream of finding the remnants of Captain Tatarinov’s expedition led him to the ranks of polar explorers. The life of Captain Grigoryev is full of heroic events: he flew over the Arctic, fought against the Nazis. He was in danger, had to endure temporary defeats, but the hero’s persistent and purposeful character helps him to keep his vow made to himself in childhood: “Fight and seek, find and not give up.”
Soldier Ivan Brovkin
Yevdokia Brovkina
This exhilarating two-part film (“Soldier Ivan Brovkin” and “Ivan Brovkin on the State Farm”) presented to the country a new national hero – kind, modest, charming and… ne’er-do-well. That “ne’er-do-well-ness” proved “Kharitonov’s special key to audiences’ hearts”. Following Brovkin’s appearance on the screen, Kharitonov had become a star of the national cinema, an idol for millions of people. His incredible popularity may be compared to that of another national hero – the world’s first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. And not surprisingly, it was Kharitonov who made a cameo appearance going up the festival stairs and followed with the adoring eyes of the heroines in V. Menshov’s Oscar-winning melodrama “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears”.
A Big Family
aunt Liza (uncredited)
Drama based on the novel by Vsevolod Kochetov “The Zhurbin Family”. The characters of the picture are a large family of hereditary shipbuilders. Three generations of the Zhurbin live under one roof: grandfather Matvei, his son Ilya, three sons of Ilya — Aleksei, Anton and Viktor. In a short time, representatives of the fourth generation are born. The share of the youngest son of Aleksei fall the most severe life tests. The background for family conflicts is the reorganization of production. All Zhurbin's have to change their profession to move on.
Attestat Zrelosti
A drama about a high school conflict based on the novel by Liya Geraskina.
Tiger Girl
The story is about heiress of the circus family who organizes show "Let's get married" right in the cage for the tigers.
Wedding with a dowry
Lukerya Vlasyevna Pokhlebkina
The best foremen of the two competing collective farms, Olga Stepanova and Maxim Orlov, have long been in love with each other. But between the bride and groom there is a quarrel on the industrial soil, and everything goes to the gap.
Happy Flight
Фенина бабушка
Simple People
A 1945 Soviet war film which, along with the second part of Eisenstein's Ivan the Terrible was harshly criticized by Andrei Zhdanov and banned. A version of the film, released in 1956 during the Khrushchev Thaw, was disowned by director Grigori Kozintsev because the reediting was done without his participation.