Chester Withey


Her Honor, the Governor
The only son of Gov. Adele Fenway, Bob, is engaged to Marian Lee, and at a dinner Adele announces her intention of giving them a wedding house. Having refused to support a water power bill endorsed by Jim Dornton, the political boss of the state, the governor is threatened.
The Pleasure Buyers
Joan Wiswell, Ted Workman, and wholesome Helen Ripley are among the half-dozen or more suspects, all for good reasons of their own, murdered a high-society crook called Genne Cassenas.
Richard the Lion-Hearted
Wallace Beery repeats his role of King Richard, a role he played so sucessfully in Robin Hood the previous year.
A down-on-her luck streetwalker is ultimately redeemed by the love of a decent man.
Wedding Bells
Rosalie Wayne (Talmadge) meets Reginald Carter (Ford) after he introduces himself while chasing her dog with one of his oxfords, and she marries him in haste. Reggie comes down with the measles following a quarrel over her bobbed hair, not knowing he is ill she leaves for Reno and then Europe. After a year's absence and having secured her divorce, she meets Reggie again and finds him engaged to another. Jealousy arouses her to break up the match, but the wedding is progressing before she devises a means of doing so. Reggie, however, is satisfied and glad to be reunited with his Rosalie despite her sharp tongue and unusual method of winning his love.
Lessons in Love
She Loves and Lies
When Marie Callender is left a fortune by a wealthy old admirer on the condition that she marry the man she loves, Marie targets Ernest Lismore but is too shy to ask him to marry her. Instead, Marie disguises herself as an elderly woman of considerable wealth and offers to bail Ernest out of his impending bankruptcy in exchange for marriage, with the understanding that if Ernest ever falls in love with another woman she will grant him a divorce. Then Marie disguises herself as June Dayne in order to make her husband fall in love with her. She succeeds, and when Ernest confesses his love for another woman, Marie discards her disguise and Ernest discovers that the woman with whom he is in love is his own wife.
She Loves and Lies
When Marie Callender is left a fortune by a wealthy old admirer on the condition that she marry the man she loves, Marie targets Ernest Lismore but is too shy to ask him to marry her. Instead, Marie disguises herself as an elderly woman of considerable wealth and offers to bail Ernest out of his impending bankruptcy in exchange for marriage, with the understanding that if Ernest ever falls in love with another woman she will grant him a divorce. Then Marie disguises herself as June Dayne in order to make her husband fall in love with her. She succeeds, and when Ernest confesses his love for another woman, Marie discards her disguise and Ernest discovers that the woman with whom he is in love is his own wife.
The Teeth of the Tiger
Living quietly under the assumed name Paul Sernine, reformed gentleman crook Arsene Lupin is summoned to protect his invalid, wealthy friend Henry Forbes.
The New Moon
When anarchist bombs disrupt the engagement ball of Princess Marie Pavlovna, her fiancé, Prince Michail Koloyar, helps her to escape in a carriage. Then Theo Kameneff, secretly in the pay of a foreign government, becomes dictator and, desiring the princess, issues an edict that all women between the ages of seventeen and thirty-two must register and become state property.
The New Moon
When anarchist bombs disrupt the engagement ball of Princess Marie Pavlovna, her fiancé, Prince Michail Koloyar, helps her to escape in a carriage. Then Theo Kameneff, secretly in the pay of a foreign government, becomes dictator and, desiring the princess, issues an edict that all women between the ages of seventeen and thirty-two must register and become state property.
The Hun Within
A German-American father, loyal to his new U.S. home, finds himself on opposite sides with his son in the wartime conflict between Germany and America. The son becomes involved with German agents plotting against U.S., and the father must decide between his son and his adopted homeland.
On the Quiet
Young couple gets married in secret because her family objects to the match. To escape the family the couple goes into hiding.
In Pursuit of Polly
Pretty Polly Marsden is ardently pursued by three different Romeos, but she coyly refuses to choose between them. When they insist that she give them her answer, she arranges an impromptu automobile race: whichever one of the three can overtake her speeding roadster will be the man whom she will marry.
Nearly Married
Silent comedy, based on a 1913 stage play of the same title.
Madame Bo-Peep
A 1917 filmd riected by Chester Withey.
Madame Bo-Peep
A 1917 filmd riected by Chester Withey.
A Woman's Awakening
A 1917 film directed by Chester Withey.
The Bad Boy
Small town youth Jimmie Bates is a well-intentioned, but troubled youth. Jimmie is a rowdy boy who is always getting into trouble and playing pranks on his friends and neighbors. Although deeply in love with young Mary, he eventually spurns Mary's affection for the more outgoing and worldly young Ruth.
The Bad Boy
Small town youth Jimmie Bates is a well-intentioned, but troubled youth. Jimmie is a rowdy boy who is always getting into trouble and playing pranks on his friends and neighbors. Although deeply in love with young Mary, he eventually spurns Mary's affection for the more outgoing and worldly young Ruth.
The Devil's Needle
Renee is a French artist's model who uses morphine as an escape from the dull reality of her life. She recommends it to a neurotic artist because "it kindles the fires of genius." The artist quickly becomes addicted to the drug and the quality of his work begins to disintegrate. He takes on a new model, marries her, and starts her on the same path of moral degradation, until a guilt-ridden Renee decides to intervene in order to save them both. According to silent film historian Kevin Brownlow, THE DEVIL'S NEEDLE was banned by the state of Ohio, but the censor board reversed its decision after recognizing the positive message beneath the film's scandalous surface. This special edition was mastered from a 35mm preservation print of the 1923 re-release version. The only known surviving copy, the element suffers significant nitrate decomposition during some scenes.
The Devil's Needle
Renee is a French artist's model who uses morphine as an escape from the dull reality of her life. She recommends it to a neurotic artist because "it kindles the fires of genius." The artist quickly becomes addicted to the drug and the quality of his work begins to disintegrate. He takes on a new model, marries her, and starts her on the same path of moral degradation, until a guilt-ridden Renee decides to intervene in order to save them both. According to silent film historian Kevin Brownlow, THE DEVIL'S NEEDLE was banned by the state of Ohio, but the censor board reversed its decision after recognizing the positive message beneath the film's scandalous surface. This special edition was mastered from a 35mm preservation print of the 1923 re-release version. The only known surviving copy, the element suffers significant nitrate decomposition during some scenes.
Sunshine Dad
The theft of a sacred diamond band from a Hindoo shrine starts the action.
Sunshine Dad
The theft of a sacred diamond band from a Hindoo shrine starts the action.
Sunshine Dad
Count Kottschkoiff
The theft of a sacred diamond band from a Hindoo shrine starts the action.
The Lost Lord Lowell
Ned Wallace
Molly, a slavey in a New York boarding house, is in love with Herbert, the butler at the house next door. They are engaged to be married. Molly is a sort of Cinderella, whom everybody in the boarding house picks on, especially Beth, an actress in search of a rich husband. A mysterious man comes to the place, and both Molly and Beth, because of his resemblance to a picture they have seen in the paper of the lost Lord Lovell, believe him to be none other than this titled Englishman, whom the trustees of his estate are seeking. Beth gets the stranger a place in her company, and the manager makes money featuring "the lost Lord Lovell." Meanwhile, Molly and the butler have been married. To celebrate their honeymoon they go to the theater. Coming out, they read in the paper about the hit Lord Lovell is making on Broadway and the story of his disappearance from England.
The Oubliette
Francois Villon, vagabond, poet and philosopher, and his friend Colin, leave the vagabond camp and start for Paris. En route to that city, Villon's heart is touched at sight of the eviction of an elderly couple from their poor home. Whereupon he empties his own and Colin's purse, pays the Beadle, and then resume their journey. Overcome with the pangs of hunger, they "lift " the purses of a couple of corpulent monks. For this breach of law both Villon and Colin are arrested and thrown into prison. This film and By the Sun's Rays are two of Chaney's earliest surviving films.
The Circle of Fate
John Strom
Antone Tojetti and his pretty daughter, Maria, are street musicians in Venice. John Strom, an American millionaire, makes love to Maria, and finally persuades her to leave for America with him. Her father sees them just as they are leaving, but she will not return to him. Two years later, Maria, abandoned by John, returns to her father, who has now become a guide in the mountains. She dies and Antone vows vengeance. Some time after this, John Strom, now married, is touring Europe and he and his party seek a guide to visit Vesuvius. Antone takes the position. John not recognizing in him the father of Maria.
Courage of Sorts
Silas Bragg - Mabel's Father
A ghost story in which the prospective son-in-law agrees to stay in the haunted house. The girl's father plays ghost, but the tables are turned on him in an amusing manner.
An Even Exchange
The old homestead involved had been passed from father to son and was about to be wrested from them by an avaricious corporation. Lawsuits were started, but the corporation managed to gain the best of the argument, when Ruth took the law into her own hands, held up the coach, and stored the big strong box in the bushes. Notices offering big rewards were posted conspicuously and Ruth lost her fortitude. The reward was increased, Ruth disclosed the location of the treasure, but refused the reward. The company's agent lost his nerve, and as appreciation, deeded back the old homestead to Ruth.
A Foreign Spy
The army engineer and his daughter are deeply interested in each other, but, of course, the will of the father predominates. As a result the girl experiences many heart aches, because it does seem as though she is about to lose her sweetheart because he is not an army man. The issue is brought to a climax by the presence of a spy in the father's home. Plans for the border fortifications are stolen and the impending disgrace and ruin drive the officer to the verge of despair, from which he is rescued by the daughter and her sweetheart, who rescue the plans, and apprehend the spy.
Pride of Lonesome
The cheery smile of big-hearted Ed Daton, a simple Westerner, causes a little girl to sense the thrill of happiness. Her desire for a greater measure of this, to her unknown joy, prompts her to steal away from her abusive parents and wander back to the little station known as "Lonesome." She is taken in by big Ed and the other noble herdsman and develops under the new environment to a bright and cheerful maiden. Out of gratitude, she guards the welfare of her benefactors and prompts them to nobler deeds of manhood.
Hearts and Horses
Bessie received a note from Uncle Dan along with a pony and was more than delighted with the handsome gift. Her sweetheart, Bill Walters, grew quite peeved at the way in which Bessie forgot him for her horse. Some days later Bessie's father, the sheriff, received a note that horse thieves were operating in his vicinity. He notified Bessie to watch carefully over her new pony and Bessie alert to the possibility, promptly rode to town to obtain a strong lock for the barn.
Via Cabaret
Harry's father
Harry Reeder was a steady visitor at the cabaret and he visited with a single thought in mind - pretty Vail, the singer.
When Luck Changes
Young Cal Jim had often called upon Betty but never found the courage to propose. His pal, Mark Halworthy did, however, and Betty accepted. Disappointed, Cal asked and received a grubstake from Mark and went away into the hills to seek gold and heart balm. Two years later Mark took to gambling. He neglected Betty and, one day, intoxicated, struck her.
On the Border
The pretty dancer and the casual cowboy visitor at the cabaret fell in love. A Mexican waiter loved Chiquita. A Gringo get this dainty bundle of Spanish nerves and beauty? Never! He planned to destroy the cowboy lover by a drop of poison in his cup.
The Kiss
Old Man Hathaway was a trapper and lived with his only daughter in the mountains. Pretty Claudine often went forth to visit the traps with him and one day, when no bound, they saw a youth kiss a maiden affectionately. Seeing a chance for an object lesson, the old trapper sagely shook his head, saying, "My child, such kisses are poison. Guard against them."
A Rose of Old Mexico
Paquita's Father
Pedro wanted Paquita and her father seconded his suit. But Paquita was in love with Paul Hapgood, an American, and would not hear of it. She wrote to Paul and told him to take her away.
Love and the Law
The Outlaw
John Allen is in love with pretty Mabel Trude and the honor conferred upon Allen by the community, electing him sheriff, aids Allen in pressing his suit. The engagement is announced. Tom Trude, the brother of Mabel, is a sort of shiftless fellow and is exceedingly unlucky at cards. It required but little argument on the part of the acknowledged best man of the community to win Tom over to his gang, as he hopes to make good his losses at cards in some manner other than actual labor. The post office is held up and the sheriff called upon to bring the perpetrators to justice. A lively encounter is followed by the escape and pursuit of one of the men. The sheriff himself takes up the chase and successfully runs down the man. To his consternation, it proves to be Mabel's brother. He passes their home with the prisoner in tow. Mabel argues and pleads, but to no avail, and she finally plays her largest card--her love, against her brother's liberty