John T. Dillon


Big Brown Eyes
Barber (Uncredited)
Sassy manicurist Eve Fallon is recruited as an even more brassy reporter and she helps police detective boyfriend Danny Barr break a jewel theft ring and solve the murder of a baby.
Frisco Kid
Second Policeman (uncredited)
After a roustabout sailor avoids being shanghaied in 1850s San Francisco, his audacity helps him rise to a position of power in the vice industry of the infamous Barbary Coast.
One More Spring
Three people live together in the maintenance shed at Central Park as an alternative to living on the streets.
Midnight Molly
Midnight Molly' is hit by a car while evading the police, and mistakenly identified as the wife of John Warren, candidate for mayor, whom she resembles. The real Mrs Warren has run off with another man, George Calvin, and John Warren is happy to recognise Molly as his wife. Molly continues to impersonate his wife on her recovery, saving Warren from the consequences of a divorce scandal. Calvin learns of the deception and tries to blackmail Warren, without success. A detective pursues Molly, but only gains fingerprints of the real Mrs Warren. Mrs Warren and Calvin are killed in a motor car accident, leaving Warren and Molly free to marry.
She Loves and Lies
When Marie Callender is left a fortune by a wealthy old admirer on the condition that she marry the man she loves, Marie targets Ernest Lismore but is too shy to ask him to marry her. Instead, Marie disguises herself as an elderly woman of considerable wealth and offers to bail Ernest out of his impending bankruptcy in exchange for marriage, with the understanding that if Ernest ever falls in love with another woman she will grant him a divorce. Then Marie disguises herself as June Dayne in order to make her husband fall in love with her. She succeeds, and when Ernest confesses his love for another woman, Marie discards her disguise and Ernest discovers that the woman with whom he is in love is his own wife.
All Woman
William Kibby
Susan Sweeney inherits a country hotel. When she arrives to take possession, she discovers it to be not the palatial resort she believed, but a run-down inn with an attached saloon. As she struggles to make something of her new operation, she becomes involved in the life and difficulties of her new community....
A Rich Man's Plaything
Ogden Deneau
Marie Grandon may have seen more of the world than any nice girl ever would, but her motives remain pure. Marie labors in a New England oyster cannery and dreams of someday crushing the slumlords who prey upon the poor. While on a cruise, "Iron" Lloyd, a millionaire financier and tenement owner, decides to visit the town where Marie lives. Under the name Strange, he gets in a fight and is injured. While recuperating, he meets Marie and she tells him of her dream. Lloyd is intrigued by this and decides to test her. He has his lawyer transfer a huge sum of money to her and makes it look like she inherited it from a distant relative. Marie takes the money, goes to New York, and does exactly what she had planned. Her main target happens to be Lloyd. His business rival, Ogden Deneau, even aligns with her, pretending interest in her cause, but really wanting to ruin Lloyd. Marie, however, had dealings with Deneau a long time ago and plans to crush him too.
A Girl Like That
Tom Hoadley
Nell Gordon's father was once a burglar, but he has turned over a new leaf. When he falls ill, however, the burglar's old cronies persuade Nell to help them in a bank robbery, supposedly to raise funds for their sick friend. Nell gets a job in the bank, and learns how to open the safe, but then she falls in love with Jim Brooks, another bank employee, and decides not to help with the robbery after all. The crooks try to force her father to insist, and when he refuses, they shoot him. Seeing their true colors, Nell forms a plan. She agrees to help with the robbery, but in the middle of the heist she calls the sheriff. Of course the story ends with the crooks in jail, and Nell and Jim in love.
Destiny's Toy
Bad Riley
Young Nan was rescued from a shipwreck by a man who becomes her foster father. Years later, when he dies, she moves to a nearby city and unknowingly gets involved with a criminal gang. When the gang attempts and fails to rob wealthy Thomas Carter's home, Nan finally discovers what they are and tells the police all she knows, resulting in the imprisonment of Bad Riley, the gang's leader. Grateful, the Carter family takes Nan into their home, to replace a young daughter who had drowned years before, and the young son, Rev. Robert Carter, begins a romance with her. However, the jailed Riley soon escapes and comes after Nan.
The Lost Bridegroom
Suffering from aphasia after being conked on the head, a man is coerced into robbing his fiancée's home.
Martyrs of the Alamo
Colonel Travis
The story of the defense of the mission-turned-fortress by 185 Texans against an overwhelming Mexican army in 1836.
The Sisters
May and her younger sister, Carol, live in a small town. May is the more lovely of the two, but Carol is wooed by Frank, a country boy. George, a city man, comes to town on a visit, falls in love with Carol and wins her away from Frank. Carol is pleased with his attentions and poor Frank is brokenhearted. Calling one day to see Carol, George meets May and falls madly in love with her, and finally runs away with her and they are married. Carol, in despair, turns back to Frank and they are married, and a year later a baby is born.
The Hop Smugglers
Short, silent movie about a female journalist who does a sensational article for the newspaper investigation opium smuggling.
The Tear That Burned
The Father
The Tear That Burned is a silent movie drama.
The New Janitor
Villaoinous manager
The hero, a janitor played by Chaplin, is fired from work for accidentally knocking his bucket of water out the window and onto his boss the chief banker (Tandy). Meanwhile, one of the junior managers (Dillon) is being threatened with exposure by his bookie for gambling debts unpaid. Thus the manager decides to steal from the company.
Home, Sweet Home
John Howard Payne leaves home and begins a career in the theater. Despite encouragement from his mother and his sweetheart, Payne begins to lead a life of dissolute habits, and this soon leads to ruin and misery. In deep despair, he thinks of better days, and writes a song that later provides inspiration to several others in their own times of need.
The Floor Above
English sleuths Grace Burton and Stephen Pryde are in love, but when Stephen inherits wealth and a title, he does not tell Grace, fearing that she will stop loving him. Grace provides support for her sister Stella Ford, whose husband is frequently away on business trips, so Stephen, hoping to alleviate Grace's financial burden, pays all of Stella's debts and provides her with an allowance. When Grace learns of the arrangement, she is hurt that he did not confide in her. Stella lives in a building occupied by a wild crowd. In the flat above her lives Netta, who has numerous boyfriends, including Jerome, an older man, and Bartlett, a young fop. One evening, the rivals mistakenly enter Stella's apartment and in an ensuing fight, Jerome kills Bartlett.
The Gangsters of New York
Biff Durgan - Porky's Elder Brother
Biff Dugan, the eldest son of a poor family living in a tenement on the squalid East Side of New York, leads a gang of hoodlums, among whose members is his brother Porky. Their sister Jess is a consumptive whose health was ruined in a sweatshop. During a melee in a mission run by reformer Henry Davis, the Dugan gang encounters Billy Drew and his sister Cora, newcomers to the city. Porky saves Cora from the unwelcome attentions of Biff's rival, Spike Golden, and the two fall in love. Later, when Spike is killed in a gang war, Biff is wrongfully convicted of the murder and executed in the electric chair. Porky, who served a short term in prison for his part in the crime, comes back to the city to find that Jess has died and Cora has returned to the country.
For the Son of the House
The Temptor
In the home of ease and refinement a new life opens to the girl. She no longer is obliged to resist the sordid way of poverty and sin. The woman's indulged son, overcome by his weakness and debt, robs his mother. It is then the girl saves the home from disgrace.
A Modest Hero
Second Thief
It is house cleaning time. Mother-in-law leaves, but insists that husband must be put to work, but husband hires a man, while he goes fishing. Our hero substitutes himself for the cleaner and appears to rob the lady of her silver. He is kept too busy, and later proves a hero in spite of himself by rescuing the fair young housewife from the drunken cleaner, who walks in late.
A Woman in the Ultimate
Badger Gang Member
The unwilling dupe of her step-father, she became the decoy of the wealthy young man, but at the crucial moment she saved both herself and the young man and thus ended the game of the badgers.
Under the Shadow of the Law
The Doctor
In this picture it is shown how a convict's life still remains under the ban of the law, even after the expiration of his term. With the detective continually on his track, he is able to save both a young woman's honor and her weak brother from the hands of a designing employer.
The Vengeance of Galora
The Sheriff
In her own outraged sense of injury Galora sought to bring the young express agent into the justice that men might give, while the other woman sought to save his life from moral disaster and won. So the vengeance of Galora worked for the common good; one man was saved in a moment of weakness, while through many thrilling adventures the real offenders were brought to justice.
The Mirror
Third Tramp
The girl's lessons from the young station agent on the manipulation of the telegraph code served her in good stead. By it, hemmed in on all sides at the lonely farmhouse, she was able to save both herself and her father's money from desperate tramps, an experience which is grippingly illustrated in this Biograph melodrama.
In Diplomatic Circles
The Detective
The reporter assigned to obtain a copy of the message from the Japanese Government unraveled the mystery of its disappearance in a clever manner. Every foreign government naturally was eager for a copy ahead, while the meeting of the Japanese Ambassador and Secretary of State was surrounded with greater risk than they imagined.
The Switch Tower
Third Counterfeiter
Arrogant tramps, a railroad man , counterfeiters, detectives and a boy to the rescue.
Olaf—An Atom
The Claim Jumper
Broken by grief after his mother's death, Olaf becomes a wanderer. He is treated cruelly until he is given a meal by a woman at the homestead where she lives with her husband and baby. Olaf is able to return her kindness when he overhears a plot to rob the settlers of their home. He alerts the couple and delays the would-be thieves long enough for the husband to file a claim on his land. Olaf is injured by the claim jumpers but he recovers, alone and forgotten by those he has helped. He then moves aimlessly along.
The Sheriff's Baby
A Settler
After the death of his wife the baby was all the sheriff had left, the promise of hope in the future, and the reflection of all that was dear in the past. But a sheriff has no time to tread a cradle rocker, so the baby started off on the long journey to relatives across the desert. Then the sheriff was called away to hunt the "bad men" of the desert, and found there a deserted prairie schooner, the occupants dead and his baby gone.
A Friend
Sim Sloane and his beloved son were the reprobates of the village, not what would be called lovers of peace and kindness. But granddad dwelt in a house filled more with love, and when Sim came in for his brutal sport, he soon went out assisted by granddad. Incited by ridicule and drink, Sim swore to get even. That was where granddad's new supply of powder came in. Sim appropriated it and although he wrecked the house of love, he destroyed through his venom the only thing he cherished in life.
Love in an Apartment Hotel
One of the Fiance's Friends
In the apartment hotel lived the aspiring maid, whose solicitude maintained order in the bachelor's apartment. He was her ideal, and the all-adoring bell-boy was firmly but gently given to understand that maids who read "Heliotrope Glendening's Advice to Young Ladies" look higher than ice-water toters. A compromising complication, however, with an unexpected visit from a beautiful lady, quite convinces the aspiring one that wealthy young bachelors may be the grandest men ever, but their aspirations, when it comes to the crucial test, are not for chambermaids. Science influences his actions so much that he gets into trouble with the police.
A Chance Deception
The Waiter
The jealous husband saw a flirtation; the Raffles, a necklace. The husband's suspicions were further confirmed when the Raffles came out of his hiding. The Raffles permitted the deception, until his manhood came to the surface. He realized how his own happiness might have been so jeopardized, and the little wife concerned was restored to her own.
The Tender Hearted Boy
The Butcher
A butcher boy steals meat to give to a beggar woman and is ultimately rewarded for his kindness.
The Telephone Girl and the Lady
The Grocery Man
D.W. Griffith short intercuts two different stories before mixing them together at the end. The film focuses on a telephone girl who leaves work for her lunch break at the same time as "The Lady" goes to a jewelry store to pick up some priceless jewels. When the telephone girl returns to work she gets a phone call from the house of "The Lady" as a robber has broken in and is trying to steal the jewels.
A Cry for Help
Policeman / Witness to Accident
Knocked down by an automobile, the intoxicated tramp is taken to the doctor's house, received and treated to a square meal. The husband of a patient has just died, calls on the doctor, intending to kill him. The grief-crazed man is foiled several times by the return of the tramp, whom the maid at last pushes out of the house. She hears the doctor struggling with his assailant and faints. The tramp hears the doctor's cry for help and enters by a rear window, despite the objections of a policeman, in time to save his benefactor.
My Baby
Wedding Guest / At Table
When the double wedding takes two daughters away from the old man at once, the youngest, now the only one left, in outraged spirit promises never to leave her father, but soon she too is departing for a new home. Then comes a cold hard fact of life. The son-in-law claims his right to make a home alone for his wife. In his bitterness and anger, the father denies them both the house. Several years later the lonely old man meets at the gate a babe in arms. When he learns whose baby it is, heart hunger craves another sight, and sought, brings with it the only natural result.
The Musketeers of Pig Alley
A man recognizes the thief who had previously robbed him as one of the men involved in an unrelated mob shootout.
The Sunbeam
A Policeman
Set in a tenement, a lonely confirmed bachelor occupies a room across the hall from a dour spinster. Children run amok in the hallways playing pranks on the two. A little girl from the floor above, now alone in the world, brings the pair together and brightens their lives.
The Last Drop of Water
Cavalry Officer
A wagon train heading west across the great desert runs out of water, and is attacked by Indians. One man -- their last hope -- is sent out to find water.
The Primal Call
The Millionaire's Friend / At Club
A young woman who is engaged to a millionaire she doesn't love meets and falls in love with a rough sailor.
Two creative bums invade a high society gathering by pretending to be rich.
Fisher Folks
At Fair (as Jack Dillon)
A crippled girl marries a fisherman, who also has eyes for the town flirt.
The House with Closed Shutters
On Porch / At Farewell / In Lee's Tent
During the Civil War a young soldier loses his nerve in battle and runs away to his home to hide; his sister puts on his uniform, takes her brother's place in the battle, and is killed. Their mother, not wanting the shameful truth to become known, closes all the shutters (hence the film's title) and keeps her son's presence a secret for many years, though two boyhood chums stumble upon the truth...
A Flash of Light
At First Party / At Second Party
An experiment goes wrong and blinds a newly married chemist. The chemist's wife does not want to take on the burden of caring for the blind chemist, and her younger sister take her place.
What the Daisy Said
A Farmhand (uncredited)
Two sisters want to know whether there is romance in their future. One sister pulls the petals off of a flower, while the other has her fortune told by a gypsy. When the gypsy tells the fortune so as to serve his own purposes, complications soon develop.
A Dangerous Foe
The 'Bull's Friend
The judge's young daughter championed the cause of Ching Fow against "The Bull." Kindness begot kindness again in a manner unlooked for and unusual. Ching Fow proved himself an unconscious humorist, but his very practical joke saved a life, making as well an exceptionally thrilling story.