Solveig Sundborg

Solveig Sundborg

Birth : 1910-03-14,

Death : 2002-07-22


Solveig Sundborg


The Kingdom
Ellen Krüger
Set in the neurosurgical ward of Copenhagen's Rigshospitalet, the city and country's main hospital, nicknamed "Riget", a number of characters, staff and patients alike, encounter bizarre phenomena, both human and supernatural.
Carlo and Ester
A pair of octogenarians meet, fall in love, and have a passionate love affair, much to the horror of their disapproving children.
The Olsen Gang Never Surrenders
Woman at Phone Booth (uncredited)
Egon plans to exploit knowledge gained during his latest term of incarceration. By stealing the unmanipulated financial records of DanInvest he obtains the majority of the stocks in the department store Magasin du Nord, just in time for their closing sale. The attempt to get the red suitcase that will save the day they rob the main vault at the EEC headquarters in Brussels and end up hijacking a tank.
Wanna See My Beautiful Navel?
Coming of age, summer camp and first love...
The Olsen Gang Goes to War
Woman at Bench (uncredited)
Some criminal EU ministers plan to turn Denmark into a gigantic fair ground and holiday paradise. Egon gets his hand at some important documents which could both make him rich and take care of Denmark's future.
Mirror, Mirror
Heavily influenced by the French stage sensation La Cage Aux Folles (which was filmed the very same year) this trite drag-queen comedy about a group of homosexuals sharing an apartment with a naive but straight country boy did not live up to expectations. The lead characters lead boring lives during the day and, as depicted here, downright pathetic existences at night, all decked out in peacock plumes and high heels and with nowhere to go. Several of the performances -- especially Fritz Helmuth as the love-starved, aptly named Bent -- manage to reach a little beyond the stereotypes, but Bodil Kjær, of all people, delivers a simply dreadful (and one-note) parody of a once-glamorous movie star.
The Marksman
A man decides to perpetrate a series of killings and publicise them as political acts in an attempt to protest against nuclear armaments.
The Olsen Gang Outta Sight
Woman On Bus (uncredited)
Egon is starting to be a little forgetful; he forgot the zone number, so he fails to open the strongbox. When he gets out of Vridslose State Prison, Kjeld and Benny have become associates of Yvonne's cousin Georg from America. He is not just some old-fashioned strongbox thief that can't remember like Egon, but a young hip IT criminal, that thinks that everyone else is inferior. However, Egon doesn't take lightly to the Georg's patronizing so he sabotages Georg's computer and ruins his cup. This time Egon's ambitions reaches a new high, when he and his gang break in to the World Bank, and they get away with it. Of course, thanks to Yvonne, they aren't rich very long.
The Last Exploits of the Olsen Gang
Pedestrian (uncredited)
The Olsen Gang has finally made it. They are in Mallorca, having fulfilled their dream. Almost, that is. They don't have any money, so Egon has to open a safe at a restaurant to get some. As usual, however, Egon ends up in prision. When they return to Denmark, he has a new plan.
The Olsen Gang Runs Amok
Shop Customer (uncredited)
When Egon Olsen gets out of Vridlose State Prision once again, his friends Benny and Kjeld do not want to know about his new ingenious plan: they are actually WORKING in a shop! Thus, he has to think of something else to get his hands on the money of some international gangster.
The Olsen Gang's Big Score
Nachbarin von Kjeld und Yvonne Jensen (uncredited)
After his usual stay behind bars, Egon has another cunning plan involving millions. They rob over 4 million from a money transport. The gang keeps a low profile and hide the money. But it's stolen by "Kongen" and "Knægten", who immediately start living it up - in the penthouse suite at the Sheraton. The suitcase with the money changes hands several times, before Kongen's daughter takes of with all the money.
Og så er der bal bagefter
The Performance Will Be Followed by a Dance
Hooray for the Blue Hussars
Gæst hos pastorinden
The Olsen Gang
schreiende Frau (uncredited)
The first of 14 Olsen Gang films presents us with Egon Olsen, head of the gang, and his friends Benny and Kjeld, who want to become the best known gang in Denmark and eventually Europe by stealing a famous Bavarian work of art currently displayed in a Copenhagen museum. Although Egon's plan works out fine, there is only trouble ahead for the little gang.
I den grønne skov
Love Thy Neighbour
Love Thy Neighbour (Danish: Elsk... din næste!, German: Vergiß nicht deine Frau zu küssen ) is a 1967 Danish-German comedy film directed by Egil Kolstø and starring Walter Giller.
Six Kids and Their Uncle
Erik Lund is a child psychologist and defend a doctoral thesis on the subject. His knowledge is at the very theoretical level, and he will be seriously trouble when he for a time has to babysit his sister's six children ranging in age from baby to teenager. Fortunately, the neighbor cute daughter, Lisbeth has a more practical take on things.
Mord for åbent tæppe
Handlingen udspilles på et teater, hvor skuespilleren og teaterdirektøren Poul Bech (Preben Mahrt) bliver skudt ned af sin medspiller Eva Berthelsen (Susse Wold) midt under en premiere. Manuskriptet siger, at han skal skydes ned, men ikke at det skulle være med rigtige kugler! Alle på teatret har tilsynelandende en grund til at ønske ham død. Der skal dog endnu et drab til, inden det lykkes at finde morderen.
Still Dust on the Brain
Fru Feddersen
Det Støver Stadig er den anden film i den populære "Støv-serie" (Støv På Hjernen, Støv For Alle Pengene). Atter stod Arvid Müller og Aage Stentoft for det festlige manuskript, der introducerede nye sæder og skikke på det danske boligmarked. Man genkender let det lille samfund i "sovebyen", men store omvæltninger har fundet sted siden sidst, for beboerne på Solvænget har - med kommunestøtte - købt den ejendom, de bor i, og (- så kom noget, dengang, helt nyt) hustruerne har måttet tage arbejde for at klare økonomien! Helt forrygende er fru Rigmor Hansen (Bodil Udsen) som bestyrerinde af et Quick-vaskeri. Hendes "sandheder" om det nye dagligliv i Danmark sidder klokkeklart - og er evigt unge. Ejendommens første generalforsamling med gutterne i opgangen - og aflæggelse af første års regnskab, er gyldne scener fra dansk familiefilms guldalder.
Han, hun og Hamlet