"Lord of the Freaks" chronicles the bizarre enterprises of new media mogul Alki David, aka 'The Eccentric Billionaire,' a man whose extreme wealth and unusual sensibilities have resulted in an array of confounding escapades.
When a businessman's plot to steal from criminals goes south, he learns that he stole from the wrong guy, and when a dangerous drug cartel shows up, all hell breaks loose. A businessman (Trey Chaney) uses his nightclub to target criminals for theft, but gets double crossed by his long-suffering girlfriend (Tila "Tequila" Nguyen) after using her as the bait in this gritty crime thriller.
Firefighters Chuck Ford and Larry Valentine are guy's guys, loyal to the core—which is why when widower Larry asks Chuck to pose as his lover so that he can get domestic partner benefits for his kids, his buddy agrees. However, things get dicey when a bureaucrat comes calling, and the boys are forced to present a picture of domestic bliss.