As humanity picks up the pieces, following the conclusion of "Transformers: Dark of the Moon," Autobots and Decepticons have all but vanished from the face of the planet. However, a group of powerful, ingenious businessman and scientists attempt to learn from past Transformer incursions and push the boundaries of technology beyond what they can control - all while an ancient, powerful Transformer menace sets Earth in his cross-hairs.
The Samurai Rangers get stuck in the Megazord's cockpit on Christmas Eve after battling a Nighlok. Can they work together to make it out in time for Christmas? Episodes Include: Super Samurai "Stuck on Christmas" Mighty Morphin Power RangersT "Forever Friends" and "Alpha's Magical Christmas"
Halloween is every Nighlok's favorite day of the year! So the creepiest creatures from the Netherworld are just dying to get into the scariest party ever and trade war stories about their battles with the Samurai Power Rangers.
The Samurai Rangers team up with the mysterious RPM Ranger Red to fight off Master Xandred's Mooger army and a robotic supervillain from the RPM Ranger's dimension. But when both Red Rangers get struck with hypnobolts, they turn against one another.