Aleksandr Sirin

Aleksandr Sirin

Birth : 1955-03-15, Tallinn, Estonian SSR, USSR [now Estonia]


Aleksandr Sirin


Reversible Reality
Now you can settle scores with your boss, go on an extreme journey and even go on a date without fear of consequences, because all these are virtual adventures from the New Life company. But the players' bold and vivid adventures are suddenly interrupted by their revived fears. A group of anti-viruses is under suspicion. An employee of the company is also suspected of involvement in the group. An officer of the virtual police department begins the investigation. But each new step in the investigation makes him question the boundaries between the virtual and the real, take a fresh look at the situation and Novaya Zhizn itself, turning him from an investigator into a prime suspect.
Van Goghs
Mark Ginzburg is a talented artist who is always depressed. He's 52, but personal and professional success has escaped him. Many years ago, Mark moved from his native Riga to Tel Aviv to get away from his oppressive father, Viktor, who still supports him financially. Victor Ginzburg is a famous conductor. His work is his life. He never cared about Mark's feelings and tried to mold his son in his own image. Their highs and lows turned long ago into a love-hate relationship. More hate than love. Father calls his son by his childhood nickname Birdie, which infuriates the son. Son calls his father Your Majesty, which infuriates the father. After Viktor is diagnosed with a fatal illness, the father and son set off on a difficult journey that leads from hate to love.
Pure Art
Pretty Sasha finds herself in a whirlpool of intrigue and criminal games after her lover, a talented painter, is murdered. Chased on one side by brutal criminals who don't leave witnesses, and on the other by the cops who consider her the #1 suspect, Sasha is forced to act alone to solve the mystery of her lover’s death and keep herself alive and free at the same time. Gradually she unravels the tangle of mysteries and deceptions, only to learn that her lover was forging paintings which had been sold for millions of dollars, and no-one really is who they say they are.
Autumn Memories
Gennady Aleksandrovitch Yusin
Уходящая натура
Sky of Fallen
A story of love and betrayal which is going through Perestroika and modern times.
The Invisibles
Suddenly, on New Year Eve, Yuri becomes invisible. And very surprised after discovering that there is a lot of invisible people like him in Moscow.
The Talk
Boris is desperately trying to recollect the events of the last three days while he is charged with manslaughter.
О нём
Raiders are the hunters for a big business and Spirsky is probably the best of them...
Ельцин. Три дня в августе
Bez Muzhchin
Пассажиры вечернего рейса пристегнули ремни и приготовились к взлету.Но полет отложили до утра. Пассажиры отстегнули ремни и вышли из аэропорта. Под светом фонаря поблескивали капли косого дождя. В луже отразились два женских силуэта. Две женщины, две случайные попутчицы отправились в путешествие длиной в московскую ночь…Они меняют машины и настроение, мчатся по кольцевым и бульварам, смеются и плачут. Кажется, они могут позволить себе все в эту странную ночь, словно выпавшую из реальной жизни. Они могут все: страдать, любить, ненавидеть. Они не могут только одного — разойтись. Ими движет одна идея, одна мысль, одна страсть, и имя ее МУЖЧИНА.
The 5th Execution
On a remote island in Southeast Asia, a team of scientists, studying the regenerative properties of the salamander, discovers what their Bangkok headquarters refer to as "The Priceless Gift": an elixir of life. News of the discovery travels quickly, and profiteers begin to circle the island, only to find out just how dangerous a discovery it is. During the research process, they also uncovered an unstoppable disease. When the research team goes missing, it leaves behind a warning: that the disease has spread, and is threatening to go global. Special forces and mercenaries from around the world descend on the island, making apparent that there is more at stake than just profit and ambition, but the survival of humanity.
Fortress of War
medic Maslov
The film covers the heroic defence of the Brest Fortress, which was attacked during the first strike of German invaders on June 22 1941. The story describes the events of the first days of the defence, including the three main resistance zones, headed by the regiment commander, Pyotr Mikhailovich Gavrilov, the commissar Efim Moiseevich Fomin and the head of the 9th frontier outpost, Andrey Mitrofanovich Kizhevatov. Many years later veteran Alexander Akimov again recalls the memories of the time, when he, then a 15 year old Sasha Akimov was deeply in love with the beautiful Anya and suddenly found himself in the middle of the bloody events of war.
Na Oshchup
Его папа хочет стать президентом США. Дед и бабка — Брэд Питт и Анджелина Джоли. Он был слеп, а когда прозрел, увидел Андрея Малахова. Китайцы украли его отца. Единственный выбор для него — взять в руки арбалет и отомстить обидчикам. Откровенное кино от Юрия Грымова, где любой ценой побеждает любовь.
Kogda My Byli Schastlivy
Petr Petrovich
В жизни бизнесмена Глеба все было идеально — и на работе, и дома. Он полностью доверял своему деловому партнеру и даже не думал, что тот может его предать. Но жизнь приготовила ничего не подозревающему мужчине неприятный сюрприз — верный помощник подставил его, и в результате Глеб лишился своего дела. Семья осталась без средств к существованию, и начались проблемы. Отныне супруге Глеба Лене приходится самой заботиться о себе, муже и ребенке. Она, буквально, сбилась с ног в поисках заработка. Между Леной и Глебом постоянно происходят серьезные конфликты — теперь они ссорятся даже по мелочам. Мужчина, измучив себя комплексом вины перед семьей, не находит ничего лучшего, как начать пить. Лена продолжает работать, скрывая душевную боль от посторонних. Но однажды обо всем узнает ее начальник Стас. Он предлагает коллеге свою помощь. Узнав об этом, Глеб приходит в бешенство.
Федор Николаевич Перечников
Mayor Osipov
When in 1941 Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union, their troops quickly besieged Leningrad. Foreign journalists are evacuated but one of them, Kate Davies, is presumed dead and misses the plane. Alone in the city she is helped by Nina Tsvetnova a young and idealist police officer and together they will fight for their own survival and the survival of the people in the besieged Leningrad.
The Inhabited Island
On the threshold of 22nd century, furrowing the space, protagonist from the Free Search Group makes emergency landing on an unknown planet where he must stay. People who are living on this planet have remained at the stone level of the 20th century, with its social problems, miserable ecology and shaky world..
Far from Sunset Boulevard
The thirties, the heyday of Soviet film production. The story of the famed couple's glory — a filmmaker and actress, behind the external well-being of which were hidden strange contradictory relationships and a sense of fear that they carried through their whole lives. The prologue to this story is the 85th anniversary of Lidiya Polyakova, the formerly brightest star in Soviet cinema, who played the main role in all the films of her own husband, director Konstantin Dalmatov. Now in the courtyard there are other times, Dalmatov’s movies are called ideological agitation, and the director himself and his wife are hiding from the world in the country, trying not to let anyone in. Before the audience, there is a story of a dizzying triumph of this cinematic couple and its behind-the-scenes drama — a story that began in the 30s of the XX century.
Initially, all the events take place in Moscow, where the main character Dima accidentally ends up in a casino after a series of failures. And then he starts to get lucky. First, he wins a million and a chic car, and then unexpectedly Dima is invited by his old friend from St. Petersburg to celebrate the New Year. On the new car, the main character of the film rushes towards the northern capital, but in the middle of the road, near Valdai, his watchful car policeman Pavel stops him. Dima, trying to melt the heart of a law enforcement officer, tells Pavel a touching story about his beloved, who lives in the small town of Valdai. However, the randomly named address turns out to be the address where Paul himself lives. Shocked traffic cop arranges a confrontation with the so-called "lovers."
Полковник Кругель
Piranha Hunt
Agent of special department "Piranha" Kirill Mazur and his colleague Olga go to the far north with the assignment to liquidate an underwater secret weapon lab in the guise of a mutual vacation. All of a sudden, they find themselves in the world where civilization laws are forgotten, and this deadly weapons are kept by gangsters who are controlled by a new "master of taiga" Prohor, whose leisure time is spent hunting at humans. Mazur didn't know that he would have to trade his familiar gun for a hand-made bone knife, and save his companion and himself instead of saving the world. For them, this safari in northern forests would be no less dangerous as for the live targets.
Bed Stories
Seven interconnecting stories that take place in Russian bedrooms. These include a son visiting his complaining bedridden mother, a middle-aged couple bickering, one soldier bullying another in an army barracks, a rich childless housewife picking up the soldier for rough sex while her husband has a tryst with another man arranged by computer, and a wife who asks to be handcuffed to her bed while being videotaped by her lover.
Woe From Wit
Платон Михайлович Горич
An Essay on Victory Day
On the eve of the Victory Day celebrations, three old wartime friends reunite in Moscow. But they don’t get a chance to sit and recall their long-forgotten exploits. Chairman of the Veterans Foundation Kilovatov (O. Yefremov) is accused of dealings with the criminal world and put behind the bars. Former dissident Morgulis (V. Tikhonov), now residing abroad, and participant of protest rallies Dyakov (M. Ulyanov) organize the release of their friend from prison. Confronted with the cruelty of their enemies who masterminded the arrest of their wartime buddy, our heroes involve mafia and security service in the release operation, and then decide to hijack a plane.
Hammer and Sickle
A bizarre tale of a fictional experiment performed during the Stalin-controlled years in the USSR. The main character is changed from a woman into a man. This is part of a larger plan to change more women into men and have a stronger workforce.
Поминальная молитва
A movie producer tries to find a double for a diva with drug problems.
Женщина в море
The Inner Circle
Life changes for a Moscow worker when he's made Stalin's personal film projectionist but cannot tell his bride.
Tale of the Moon Outstanding
The legendary commander of the Civil War, the winner of Wrangel arrives in the capital at the call of Stalin. In the capital, he is perplexed to learn that the Politburo at a special meeting decided to force him to operate on a long-standing ulcer. The attending physician is convinced that the operation is not needed, but, obeying party discipline, the old Bolshevik lies on the operating table.
Таинственный узник
Дмитрий Каракозов
О возвращении забыть
Two hussars
Drama on the novel of the same name L. N. Tolstoy. Two hussars - father and son - two morals, two worldviews. And although older Turbin frivolous in love, but reliable in friendship and principled in matters of honor. Junior Turbines do not stand up to comparison with his father - he is calculating, shallow and selfish "hussars of the new generation".
The House That Swift Built
An immaculate, vivid and breathtaking implementation of Swift's romanticism.
Adam Marries Eve