Dizzy Pilots (1943)
Género : Comedia
Tiempo de ejecución : 17M
Director : Jules White
The Three Stooges, as the Wrong Bothers, aided the war effort by inventing a new plane in this below-average two-reel comedy. Actually, they are attempting to avoid the draft but when their plane, the Buzzard, fails miserably, they march off to war. Richard Fiske, formerly a busy supporting player in Stooges comedies, appeared in this two-reeler courtesy of stock footage from the earlier Boobs in Arms (1940). Ironically, Fiske had himself been drafted and would be killed in action in France in August of 1944.
Los tres chiflados Larry, Moe y Curly son amigos de un joven cientifico, Schuyler Davis (Quinn Redeker), quien ha creado una máquina del tiempo. Juntos con Diane, la novia de Schuyler (Vicki Trickell), son transportados al pasado a la antigua Ithaca, la que es gobernada por el tiránico Rey Odius. El lujurioso Rey prontamente echa a Diane y confía a las galeras a Schuyler y Los Tres Chiflados: Estos se dan maña para escaparse y comienzan a promover a Schuyler como Hércules, en combates de gladiadores, hasta que el verdadero Hércules los descubre. Pero con su encanto sin igual, Los Chiflados convencen a Hércules para que los ayude rescatando a Diane.
Phileas Fogg III, nieto del original Phileas Fogg, acepta una apuesta para duplicar el famoso viaje de su bisabuelo alrededor del mundo en respuesta a un desafío hecho por Randolph Stuart III.
Nadie sospecha que Stuart III es el famoso estafador Vickers Cavendish que hizo la apuesta con el fin de encubrir su robo del banco de Inglaterra. Esto se convierte en un peligroso viaje para Fogg III, sus siervos (The Three Stooges) y Amelia Carter.
Buscando un lugar donde ensayar sus números, los Tres Chiflados acaban en casa del profesor Danforth. Éste está metido de lleno en un proyecto, una especie de máquina voladora espacial. Finalmente el profesor convence a los Tres Chiflados para que prueben la máquina, lo que no saben es que unos alienígenas también quieren hacerse con el invento.
Tres sujetos se presentan como empleados de limpieza en una plataforma de lanzamiento, pero accidentalmente ellos son los que despegan hacia Venus al encuentro de un misterioso ser espacial.
A professor bets that he can turn the stooges into gentlemen. After many attempts to teach them etiquette, he brings them to a fancy society party. The stooges new found manners don't last very long, and the party quickly degenerates. By the end, the other guests have adopted stooge-like behavior and the stooges leave as gentlemen.
Set in a desert land where the stooges run a restaurant, the boys set out to recover the stolen Rootin Tootin diamond after they learn from the thieves that the Emir of Shmo has absconded with the contraband jewel. They journey to the stronghold of Shmo where they disguise as Santa Clauses and scare the ruler into giving them the diamond.
A producer and his partner clash over two women in show business.
La joven Ruth Sherwood quiere ser periodista a toda costa, así que se traslada de Ohio a Nueva York para ver cumplido su sueño. En el viaje le acompaña su hermana Elena, una aspirante a actriz. Ambas alquilan un humilde apartamento en Greenwich Village, donde se encontrarán con todo tipo de excéntricos personajes. El problema es que nada de lo que escribe Ruth parece ser lo suficientemente bueno para ser publicado, hasta que decide contar sus propias experiencias personales...
The stooges, tricked by some con men into selling memberships to a phony duck hunting club, sell all the memberships to the police department. When the crooks skip town, the stooges are stranded at a duck-less lake with a lodge full of cops.
The stooges escape from jail when they learn their father, who has just become rich, is planning to leave their mother and marry a young girl. Curly is mistaken for the stooges father (he plays both parts) and marries the girl instead. When they learn that she is working with gangsters who plan to kill their father for his money, they escape and take their father with them.
The stooges join the "Women Haters" club and vow to have nothing to do with the fair sex. Larry marries a girl anyway and attempts to hide the fact from Moe and Curly as they take a train trip.
Curly wins $50,000 in a radio contest and the stooges move into the Hotel Costa Plente. Their suite is furnished with many expensive items which they systematically wreck, running up quite a bill. When they discover that, minus tax deductions, the jackpot is only $4.85 they quickly agree to marry three pretty rich widows who are also living in the hotel. The "widows" are actually gold diggers conniving to the get the jackpot money. When the girls find out what the jackpot is really worth, the boys get conked with champagne bottles.
The stooges are janitors in an office building. They stencil the wrong names on all the offices, causing a rich lady to mistakes Moe for famous decorator Omay. She hires the boys to redecorate her house, which they proceed to ruin. More trouble ensues when the real Omay shows up.
The stooges are three fish peddlers who decide to cut out the middleman by catching their own fish. They trade their car and $300 for a "new" boat which turns out to be a piece of junk that soon falls apart and sinks in the middle of the ocean. Luckily the boys also have a row boat which they climb into and then try to signal some passing planes for help. Unfortunately, their paint spattered rag is mistaken for a Japanese flag and they are bombed from the sky.
The stooges, professional dog washers, find a baby on a doorstep and, thinking it to be abandoned, take it home. When they read in the paper the baby is believed to have been kidnapped, they disguise Curly as a the baby's mother and try to sneak past the local cop. They are caught, but when the baby's parents show up and realize what happened, the result is a happy ending.
El periodista alcóhólico Steve Bramley se marcha en un crucero de placer para descansar, con la esperanza de dejar de beber y escribir un libro. A bordo también viajan Schulte, un amigo de Steve, detective privado que espera atrapar a un criminal que lleva una fortuna en bonos robados. Steve empieza a beber y a observar a los viajeros, algunos de los cuales no son lo que aparentan...
Curly learns that he is named in the will of his rich uncle, so the boys head for the uncle's mansion to attend the reading of the will. They arrive on a dark and stormy night only to find that the lawyer has been murdered and the will and the body have disappeared. All the relatives must stay in the spooky house while the police investigate and the stooges are given the bedroom where the uncle was murdered. After a series of misadventures with a walking skull and the uncle's body, which keeps turning up in strange places, the stooges unmask the butler and maid as the killers and recover the will. Then they learn that Curly has only been left sixty seven cents.
The stooges have taken over the country of Moronica. Moe is Hailstone the Dictator, Curly is a Field Marshal and Larry is Minister of Propaganda. The stooges are planning with their allies to conquer the world, which mainly consists of fighting over a globe. The former king's daughter gets into their headquarters and plants a bomb which Curly detonates. All ends well as the king regains control of the country and the stooges wind up as trophies on the wall.
The Three Stooges, as the Wrong Bothers, aided the war effort by inventing a new plane in this below-average two-reel comedy. Actually, they are attempting to avoid the draft but when their plane, the Buzzard, fails miserably, they march off to war. Richard Fiske, formerly a busy supporting player in Stooges comedies, appeared in this two-reeler courtesy of stock footage from the earlier Boobs in Arms (1940). Ironically, Fiske had himself been drafted and would be killed in action in France in August of 1944.
The three stooges pursue a notorious burglar in order to pay past due notes to the Skin & Flint company and save their tailor shop.