
Melting Point (2022)

Am I Racist? I Sure Used to Be.

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 37M

Director : Justice Menzel


A collage of interviews analyzing the internet, political polarization, incel culture, the far-right, and the process by which young people can evolve towards extremism.


Ethan Guerra
Ethan Guerra
Anderson Smith
Anderson Smith
Nick O'hanlon
Nick O'hanlon
Aaron Pratt
Aaron Pratt
Eli James Margolis
Eli James Margolis


Hunter Berry
Hunter Berry
Sophia Melendez
Sophia Melendez
Art Direction
Justice Menzel
Justice Menzel
Hunter Berry
Hunter Berry
Blake Jones
Blake Jones
Justice Menzel
Justice Menzel
Justice Menzel
Justice Menzel

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