
The Silent Mystery (1918)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : Francis Ford


While visiting Egypt, Mrs. Graham steals a famous jewel called "The Eye of the World" from a mummy's sarcophagus and returns to the United States, planning to use the gem as collateral for a loan. Kah, the priestess in charge of protecting the tombs of Egyptian nobility, is soon on her trail , determined to retrieve the gem. Mrs. Graham's lovely daughter, Betty, agrees to marry a suitor for money to prop up her father's failing business. When the bridegroom is murdered on the couple's wedding night, and the body disappears, Phil Kelly decides to lend a hand in solving the crimes.


Francis Ford
Francis Ford
Phil Kelly
Mae Gaston
Mae Gaston
Betty Graham
Rosemary Theby
Rosemary Theby
Priestess Kah
Jerome Ash
Jerome Ash
Van Berg
Philip Ford
Philip Ford
Elsie Van Name
Elsie Van Name
Mrs. John Graham
Olive Valerie
Olive Valerie
Hap Ward
Hap Ward
Peter Gerald
Peter Gerald
Lionel Bradshaw
Lionel Bradshaw


Francis Ford
Francis Ford
Elsie Van Name
Elsie Van Name

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