
HOME (2023)

What is Home ?

Género : Aventura, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 18M

Director : Abdullah Shahid


A man trying to find the real meaning of the place called home or which place he should call it as he has lived his youth abroad and now is having a hard time settling in his home country where he was born.


Abdullah Shahid
Abdullah Shahid
Mufleh ud Din
Mufleh ud Din
friend 1
Mujtaba Jamil
Mujtaba Jamil
friend 2
Muhammad Rafay
Muhammad Rafay
friend 3
Hafsa Shahid
Hafsa Shahid
Haroon Afridi
Haroon Afridi
Pk friend 1
Janzada Awais Marwat
Janzada Awais Marwat
Pk friend 2
Hanzala Afzal Awan
Hanzala Afzal Awan
Pk friend 3
Jawad Amir
Jawad Amir
Pk friend 4


Abdullah Shahid
Abdullah Shahid
Abdullah Shahid
Abdullah Shahid
Abdullah Shahid
Abdullah Shahid
Rayan Naveed
Rayan Naveed
Mufleh ud Din
Mufleh ud Din
Rayan Naveed
Rayan Naveed
Assistant Director of Photography
Abdullah Shahid
Abdullah Shahid
Director of Photography
Abdullah Shahid
Abdullah Shahid
Abdullah Shahid
Abdullah Shahid

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