
Benkei (1997)

Género : Drama, Historia, Película de TV

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 26M

Director : Akira Inoue
Escritor : Motomu Furuta


At the end of the Heian period, Musashibo Benkei, a warrior monk who hated the Heike clan, was humiliated by his fellow monks and left the mountain monastery. Soon, Benkei competes with the Heike warriors on the Gojo Bridge in Kyoto and takes away their swords. One night he tried to stop a young man who had a beautiful sword on his belt and fought him, but he could not win. Knowing that this young man Ushiwakamaru (Minamoto no Yoshitsune) is looking for an opportunity to overthrow the Heike clan, Benkei asks him to let him join him.


Ken Matsudaira
Ken Matsudaira
Kotaro Satomi
Kotaro Satomi
Makoto Fujita
Makoto Fujita
Kazuhiko Nishimura
Kazuhiko Nishimura
Narimi Arimori
Narimi Arimori
Akiko Hinagata
Akiko Hinagata
Yoko Minamino
Yoko Minamino
Sayuri Kokusho
Sayuri Kokusho


Akira Inoue
Akira Inoue
Motomu Furuta
Motomu Furuta
Masahiro Kawasaki
Masahiro Kawasaki
Tsuneo Tomita
Tsuneo Tomita

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