The Oracle of Delphi (1903)

Género : Crimen, Fantasía

Tiempo de ejecución : 2M

Director : Georges Méliès


A box of valued jewels is placed inside the tomb of Delphi. A thief breaks into the tomb and steals it, but soon the ghost of Delphi appears and puts a curse on him.


Georges Méliès
Georges Méliès


Georges Méliès
Georges Méliès

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Recomendar películas

The Devilish Plank
Melies and his crew perform magic tricks.
In the Bogie Man's Cave
The Bogie Man's cave is one of the many triumphs of set design for Georges Méliès. More unusual for the pioneering French director is the grisly turn when the monster chops up his servant for a steaming pot of stew. But the Bogie Man’s guilty conscience weighs on him, plaguing his sleep with even more fantastic visions of just deserts. (Max Goldberg, Fandor)
Eight Girls in a Barrel
A magician stuffs eight of his lovely assistants into a barrel.
The Magician and the Imp
The magician appears upon the stage with an imp as his assistant. The imp holds a piece of cloth in his hand. At the command of the magician the cloth is suddenly transformed into a beautiful girl, clad in tights. A barrel is then introduced and the girl enters one end.
Firemen Rescuing Men and Women
Shows the efficiency of modern life-saving methods and apparatus now in use by the fire departments. Shows the front of a building burning and two ladders raised against it. Through a thick cloud of smoke and sparks membes of the fire companies are ascending. Entering the windows they pass unfortunate occupants to their comrades, who in turn take them safely to the ground.—Edison Catalog
Searching Ruins on Broadway, Galveston, for Dead Bodies
This shows the heart of one of the tremendous drifts in the east end of Galveston. Hundreds of dead bodies are concealed in these immense masses, and at the time the picture was taken the odor given out could be detected for miles. The subject shows a gang of laborers clearing away the debris in the search for corpses, one of which was discovered while the picture was being taken. (Edison film catalog)
The Human Pyramid
Méliès appears as a court jester (a “triboulet” in French). He pulls 18th century noblemen out of a trunk and arranges them on a pyramid-shaped stage. Next, he transforms the gentlemen into fancy ladies.
European Rest Cure
An over-the-hill American tourist has a terrible time on his European "rest cure" vacation.
Rogues' Tricks
Fun film from French master Georges Melies has a couple burglar's breaking into a man's home and having to hide when that man returns. Instead of a trick film or something that he's known for, the director really changes gears here and instead delivers what's basically an action movie.
Living Soap Bubbles
Melies the magician does tricks.
The Skipping Cheese
The interior of a trolley car. A menagerie of passengers notices a foul odour, and pinpoint the source of the stench at a cheese saleswoman. The gendarmerie removes her from the trolley and drags her to the precinct.
French Cops Learning English
The seven-minute film takes place inside a classroom where some cops are learning English.
The New Lord of the Village
There's a scene in a village, then there's a scene out in the wilderness with what appear to be gods, and a giant crab, and a giant frog... then there's another scene in the village... and that's it.
The Prophetess of Thebes
Partially lost film. One of the kings of ancient Thebes enters the abode of an astrologer and demands that he be told his future. The former utterly refuses to forecast the coming events of his sovereign, even under the pain of death; but he brings forth a priestess who possesses the powers of divination. This priestess is introduced in a wonderful way: a throne is brought forward, and then a box from which the pieces of a statue are removed and piled up in regular order; the statue suddenly becomes animated. The king implores the latter to foretell his life. She commands him to look through a telescope toward the side of the room. A vision appears. (Moving Picture World)
The Prolific Magical Egg
A human skeleton is placed upon a table by an attendant. When the attendant leaves the room the skeleton begins kicking his legs and throwing his arms about and suddenly turns into a magician. The magician produces an egg, performing several sleight-of-hand tricks, and places it upon the table with the small end downward. He then crudely draws a human face upon the shell, and the egg immediately begins growing larger and larger until it reaches the size of a normal head.
Bob Kick, the Mischievous Kid
A boy is led into the frame by two nursemaids who give him a big ball to play with. For the remainder of the film heads appear and disappear, stage props blow up and turn into other objects or people, and finally Bob Kick disappears.
The Mischance of a Photographer
A family goes to a photographer. The photographer pushes the boy around, and no one seems to care. The boy gets his revenge.
The Artist and the Dummy
A very simple gag film as a young lady substitutes herself for a dummy in order to play a practical joke on an artist.
The Microscopic Dancer
“This is an absolutely new and extraordinary subject. A juggler takes in succession about a dozen eggs out of his servant's mouth. He breaks all the eggs into a hat, and after having beaten them up after the manner of a cook, he extracts an egg as large as the hat itself. As soon as he sets this egg on the table there appears a tiny dancing girl, full of life, as big as a baby's doll, and who performs on the table some beautiful stage dances. All of a sudden she increases to the size of a ordinary woman, and jumping on the floor she delights the audience with her turns. The juggler and the dancing girl disappear in the most extraordinary way.” (Méliès Catalog)
El rey de los dólares
Un ilusionista practica unos trucos en los que se maneja con monedas, que hace aparecer y desaparecer continuamente.