
Trevor Noah: I Wish You Would (2022)

Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 9M

Director : David Paul Meyer


Emmy-winning comedian Trevor Noah talks learning German, speaking ill of the dead, judging people in horror movies and ordering Indian food in Scotland.


Trevor Noah
Trevor Noah


David Paul Meyer
David Paul Meyer
Trevor Noah
Trevor Noah
Sanaz Yamin
Sanaz Yamin
Executive Producer
Bob Bain
Bob Bain
Executive Producer
Norman Aladjem
Norman Aladjem
Executive Producer
Derek Van Pelt
Derek Van Pelt
Executive Producer
Benn Fleishman
Benn Fleishman
Supervising Producer
Danny Sanchez
Danny Sanchez
Line Producer
Dylan Sanford
Dylan Sanford
Director of Photography
George Gountas
George Gountas
Lighting Design
Star Kahn
Star Kahn
Production Design
Sean Christopher Johnson
Sean Christopher Johnson
Post Production Supervisor
Kaitlin Mcgoran
Kaitlin Mcgoran
Production Coordinator
Larry Meyer
Larry Meyer
Technical Supervisor
Trevor Noah
Trevor Noah
Executive Producer
Catherine Trasborg
Catherine Trasborg

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