Requiem For The Damned (2012)

Género : Terror

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 37M

Director : Johnny Bones, Tony Baez Milan, Anthony Vingas, Aaron J. Shelton, Robert Tinnell


Edgar Allan Poe. For nearly two hundred years his stories of the macabre have shocked and terrified audiences. And now, inspired by five of Poe's most terrifying tales, five filmmakers have banded together to create the ultimate tribute to the master: Edgar Allan Poe's Requiem For The Damned - featuring adaptations of : The Fall of the House of Usher, The Pit and the Pendulum, The Black Cat, The Tell-Tale Heart, The Murders in the Rue Morgue.


Daniel Stevens
Daniel Stevens
Jay B. Maloney
Jay B. Maloney
James Grassi
James Grassi


Johnny Bones
Johnny Bones
Tony Baez Milan
Tony Baez Milan
Anthony Vingas
Anthony Vingas
Anthony Vingas
Anthony Vingas
Director of Photography
Aaron J. Shelton
Aaron J. Shelton
Robert Tinnell
Robert Tinnell

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