
Sudah (2021)

A Trip to End it

Género : Drama, Romance

Tiempo de ejecución : 17M

Director : Maulana Ghiffari


A lovers are on their way to fulfill their vacation list. But 4 years of relationship is not a guarantee of a pair of fateful love for each other. Who would have thought that this trip would be their last trip together?


Farobi Win
Farobi Win
The Guy
Zahira Rasya
Zahira Rasya


Maulana Ghiffari
Maulana Ghiffari
Aditya Rynaldi
Aditya Rynaldi
Production Controller
Maulana Ghiffari
Maulana Ghiffari
Director of Photography
Rakha Faris
Rakha Faris
Camera Operator
Helmi Naufal
Helmi Naufal
Sound Recordist
Maulana Ghiffari
Maulana Ghiffari
Writers' Assistant
Maulana Ghiffari
Maulana Ghiffari
Aditya Rynaldi
Aditya Rynaldi

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