Cheapshot (1996)

It may be your only shot

Género : Fantasía

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : Kelly Holland


Lori is an aspiring model straight off the bus from Texas. She has the misfortune to meet Rick, a small-time con-man who convinces her he can manage her career. All he manages is to get her in front of every nudie photographer in town. Her loss, your gain. Vivid presents fresh and shy, Lori Michaels, in "Cheap Shot," her virgin appearance in front adult cameras.


Bobby Vitale
Bobby Vitale
Lori Michaels
Lori Michaels
Mark Davis
Mark Davis
James Miles
James Miles
Nina Hartley
Nina Hartley
Ricky Steele
Ricky Steele
Sahara Sands
Sahara Sands


Kelly Holland
Kelly Holland

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