The X-Ray Fiend (1897)

Género : Comedia, Terror

Tiempo de ejecución : 1M

Director : George Albert Smith


A romantic couple are transformed into skeletons via X-Rays. The film combines two very recent innovations: Wilhelm Roentgen's discovery of X-rays in 1895, and Georges Méliès' accidental realisation of the special-effects potential of the jump-cut in 1896.


Laura Bayley
Laura Bayley
Tom Green
Tom Green


George Albert Smith
George Albert Smith
George Albert Smith
George Albert Smith
George Albert Smith
George Albert Smith
George Albert Smith
George Albert Smith
Production Design

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Recomendar películas

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El ciego fin de siglo
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Autour d’une cabine
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Avenue de l'Opéra
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Comic Face
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Stop Thief!
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Dance of the Seasons: Winter, Snow Dance
A dancer personifying Winter, dances in the snow.
Attack on a China Mission
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Snowball Fight
Wintertime in Lyon. About a dozen people, men and women, are having a snowball fight in the middle of a tree-lined street. The cyclist coming along the road becomes the target of opportunity. He falls off his bicycle. He's not hurt, but he rides back the way he came, as the fight continues.
The first woman to appear in front of an Edison motion picture camera and possibly the first woman to appear in a motion picture within the United States. In the film, Carmencita is recorded going through a routine she had been performing at Koster & Bial's in New York since February 1890.
The Burglars
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Panorama du grand Canal pris d'un bateau
The first travelling shot.
The Bewitched Inn
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New York: Broadway at Union Square
Surprise Attack on a House at Daybreak
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Annabelle Serpentine Dance
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Passage d'un tunnel en chemin de fer