Vita Napoletana (1933)

Género : Música

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 19M

Director : Emilio Strollo


A variety film consisting of 13 solo songs and two musical sketches, one comedic, the other serious, all in the Italian language but made entirely in the USA by members of the Italian-American community in New York. Missed by the American Film Institute and IMDb, information was found in the New York State Archives' files from that state's old censors' office.


Ria Rosa
Ria Rosa
Nino Taranto
Nino Taranto
Rosina De Stefano
Rosina De Stefano
Lily Delle Cave
Lily Delle Cave
Luigi De Crescenzo
Luigi De Crescenzo
Salvatore Quartana
Salvatore Quartana
Laura Boccia
Laura Boccia
Alberto Pomelio
Alberto Pomelio
Gennaro Cardenia
Gennaro Cardenia
Comm. G. Godoni
Comm. G. Godoni
Clara Stella
Clara Stella
Carlo Renard
Carlo Renard
Violetta Di Palma
Violetta Di Palma
Gennaro Cordera
Gennaro Cordera
L. De Crescenzo
L. De Crescenzo
Alco Bruno
Alco Bruno
A. Pomelio
A. Pomelio
Milli Delle Cave
Milli Delle Cave
Renzo Vampa
Renzo Vampa
G. Onofri
G. Onofri
A. Brunari
A. Brunari
Mary Lover
Mary Lover
Claudet Collins
Claudet Collins
A. Clemente
A. Clemente
M. Badolati
M. Badolati
A. Colamarino
A. Colamarino
N. Vittori
N. Vittori
A. Campobasso
A. Campobasso
A. Cicolli
A. Cicolli
A. Valli
A. Valli
M. Ventrella
M. Ventrella


Renzo Vampo
Renzo Vampo
Emilio Strollo
Emilio Strollo
Charles Nasco
Charles Nasco
Nick Rogalli
Nick Rogalli
Director of Photography
Don Malkames
Don Malkames
Director of Photography
H.E. Reeves
H.E. Reeves
Sound Engineer
L. Donadio
L. Donadio
D. Ietti
D. Ietti

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