
The one Who Made A Fool Of Me Is my teacher… I was rejected for my confession, and today, I’m going to revenge rape that teacher (2022)

Género : Drama, Romance

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 30M

Director : Trendy Yamaguchi


Kasui Jun is a beloved and well-liked by everyone female teacher, who happens to also grab the attention of one of her male students. The young guy very clumsily declares to her, but she flat-out refuses him. It should have been the end of that, but the guy is also a deranged maniac and his love becomes anger. She’s so amazing. What a diamond S1 has found.


Jun Kasui
Jun Kasui
Seigo Hashimoto
Seigo Hashimoto
Hirata Tsukasa
Hirata Tsukasa


Trendy Yamaguchi
Trendy Yamaguchi

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