
Fatigue Proof (2022)

Têm de trabalhar até ao último pingo de suor.

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 13M

Director : Michel de Freitas


During the first world war, many women took over the factories as their men went to war. Carmo, a young and smart lady, fights her way through misery as she searches for a better life.


Verónica Quintal
Verónica Quintal
Michel de Freitas
Michel de Freitas
Maria Ribeiro
Maria Ribeiro
Olavo Teixeira
Olavo Teixeira
Salvador Nunes
Salvador Nunes
João (Jovem)
João Silva
João Silva
João (Adulto)


Verónica Quintal
Verónica Quintal
Michel de Freitas
Michel de Freitas
Clyde Hanna
Clyde Hanna

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