
The Housewife (1975)

Género : Animación

Tiempo de ejecución : 6M

Director : Cathy Bennett


A study, in film animation, of a day in the life of a housewife, described without words, with a minimum of detail but with a perception all the more pertinent because of the simplicity of presentation. The film makes no judgments. It simply states the case, but serves as an apt starting point for any discussion of the role of women and the value of their work.



Cathy Bennett
Cathy Bennett
Cathy Bennett
Cathy Bennett
Cathy Bennett
Cathy Bennett
Karl du Plessis
Karl du Plessis
Original Music Composer
Roger Lamoureux
Roger Lamoureux
Music Supervisor
Louise Spence
Louise Spence
Guy Glover
Guy Glover
Wolf Koenig
Wolf Koenig
Executive Producer

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