
The Housewife (1975)

Gênero : Animação

Runtime : 6M

Director : Cathy Bennett


A study, in film animation, of a day in the life of a housewife, described without words, with a minimum of detail but with a perception all the more pertinent because of the simplicity of presentation. The film makes no judgments. It simply states the case, but serves as an apt starting point for any discussion of the role of women and the value of their work.



Cathy Bennett
Cathy Bennett
Cathy Bennett
Cathy Bennett
Cathy Bennett
Cathy Bennett
Karl du Plessis
Karl du Plessis
Original Music Composer
Roger Lamoureux
Roger Lamoureux
Music Supervisor
Louise Spence
Louise Spence
Guy Glover
Guy Glover
Wolf Koenig
Wolf Koenig
Executive Producer


Norma Rae
Norma Rae é uma trabalhadora têxtil do sul, empregada em uma fábrica com intoleráveis condições de trabalho. Essa preocupação com a situação dá a ela o bom senso de ser a principal associada a um organizador sindical visitante. Juntos, eles empreendem a difícil e possivelmente perigosa luta para sindicalizar sua fábrica.
Neste documentário, nomes influentes da arte e do pensamento transgêneros analisam o impacto de Hollywood na comunidade trans.
Lucy Hill (Renée Zellweger) é uma poderosa e ambiciosa executiva, apaixonada pelo estilo de vida que leva em Miami - roupas, sapatos, carros e belos homens. Quando surge a chance de reestruturar uma fabrica, no meio do nada, no gélido estado de Minnesota, Lucy vê a chance de uma promoção e aceita num estalar de dedos. Mas, o que seria apenas mais um trabalho se transforma numa tremenda roubada. Com seu modo de vida arrogante, a recém-chegada executiva, enfrentará situações hilárias ao ser recebida com frieza pela população da pequena cidade e em especial pelo bonitão e sindicalista Ted (Harry Connick, Jr.)
Rat Man
A maniac butchers a fashion model on a Caribbean island and leaves the body to be eaten by rats. The model's sister suspects something isn't quite right with the police investagation and decides to go snooping on her own. With her friend, Fred, their investagations lead them to an unknown part of the island where they discover a monstrosity of a rat like man. The creature is killed by Fred, but the true horror of it's nature is just beginning...
The Red Pill
Uma cineasta feminina segue o Movimento ao Direito dos Homens e começa a questionar suas próprias crenças. Um olhar compreensivo para a política de gênero.
O Sócio
A analista financeira Laurel Ayres é inteligente, esperta e talentosa em matéria de investimentos. Ela parece ter todos os elementos certos para ter sucesso e chegar ao topo das corporações em Wall Street, mas é preterida em sua tão almejada promoção para o ardiloso colega de trabalho Frank. É nesse momento que sua vida e carreira dão uma virada total. Ela monta um plano engenhoso e arriscado: para ter credibilidade, ela precisa de um sócio homem, um mago das finanças que atraia clientes. Mas ela não conhece tal homem. E por que não criá-lo? Com o personagem de "Robert S. Cutty", Laurel habilmente arma um mundo de ilusão e sucesso que conquista a todos nesse nervoso mundo das finanças.
O Grande Mestre 2
Ip Man imigra para Hong Kong em 1949, depois dos conflitos com os japoneses. Em Hong Kong, ele intenciona propagar sua disciplina Wing Chun de artes marciais para o mundo, mas ele esbarra no ciúme dos seus rivais e na opressão dos britânicos.
Noivos: Uma história de amor
Os planos de Shane Bitney Crone de se casar com Tom Bridegroom,na Califórnia depois que foi aprovada a lei do casamento civil entre pessoas do mesmo sexo,mas a história toma um rumo trágico quando Tom morre,depois de seis anos de relacionamento,a família de Tom não deixa Shane assistir ao funeral."Bridegroom" conta a viagem emocional de Shane e Tom, dois homens jovens que vivem um relacionamento amoroso e que foi cortado tragicamente depois da morte acidental de Tom. O filme conta sobre como pessoas que vivem um relacionamento estável e que não estão protegidas legalmente pelos direitos civis,podem ser totalmente excluídas e condenadas ao ostracismo,é comovente,enfurecedor e abre uma janela pro tema do casamento civil igualitário,como nenhum outro discurso ou conferência jamais fez
Harlan County U.S.A.
This film documents the coal miners' strike against the Brookside Mine of the Eastover Mining Company in Harlan County, Kentucky in June, 1973. Eastovers refusal to sign a contract (when the miners joined with the United Mine Workers of America) led to the strike, which lasted more than a year and included violent battles between gun-toting company thugs/scabs and the picketing miners and their supportive women-folk. Director Barbara Kopple puts the strike into perspective by giving us some background on the historical plight of the miners and some history of the UMWA.
Gog, O Monstro de Cinco Mãos
A mechanical brain is programmed to sabotage the government's secret lab while working on the first space station.
La vida no vale nada
Pablo, a wandering laborer, has imprisoned himself in a hell of alcoholism. Cruz, a widow, reaches out to the troubled man, but even her compassion may not be enough to save him.
The Three Graces
Three friends decide to isolate themselves in the mountain house of one of them to enjoy the last days of summer they have left. During these days in August, they take the opportunity to swim in the river, laugh a little and disconnect from the outside world. However, one night at a dinner table after having perked up with some beers, one of whom confesses that she was once sexually assaulted. As a result, they put in common unpleasant sexual experiences that they had never confessed, thus realizing that all of them, in one way or another, have been assaulted.
LFG: Quanto É Suficiente?
Um relato em primeira pessoa da luta da seleção feminina de futebol dos Estados Unidos para conseguir igualdade salarial em um esforço em nome de todas as mulheres para nivelar o campo de jogo e gerar uma mudança social duradoura.
Nina Wu
Depois de oito anos fazendo pontas, a aspirante a atriz Nina Wu finalmente consegue sua grande chance com um papel principal em um thriller de espionagem ambientado nos anos 1960. O papel é desafiante e exigente, sobretudo pelas cenas de nudez e sexo explícito.
Birth Story: Ina May Gaskin and the Farm Midwives
Birth Story: Ina May Gaskin and The Farm Midwives captures a spirited group of women who taught themselves how to deliver babies on a 1970s hippie commune. Today as nearly one third of all US babies are born via C-section, they fight to protect their knowledge and to promote respectful, safe maternity practices all over the globe. From the backs of their technicolor school buses, these pioneers rescued American midwifery from extinction, changed the way a generation approached pregnancy, and filmed nearly everything they did. With unprecedented access to the midwives' archival video collection, as well as modern day footage of life at the alternative intentional community where they live, this documentary shows childbirth the way most people have never seen it--unadorned, unabashed, and awe-inspiring.
Autoescola para Mulheres Sauditas
Veja entrevistas com alunas da primeira escola de condutoras da Arábia Saudita e as tensões de um país em luta por mais igualdade de gênero.
Let's Rise Up
On 9 July 2021, the 422 workers at the GKN factory in Campi Bisenzio near Florence received their dismissal, by email. They immediately met in front of the factory, scared away the management's bodyguards and have been holding an open-ended meeting at the factory ever since. In June of 2022, they talk about how they are rooted in the territory, why 30,000 people demonstrated with them. They explain why they put their struggle under the slogan "Insorgiamo!" ("Let's rise up!"), the slogan of the italian partisans who liberated Florence in 1944. But they also talk about their collaboration with climate activists and what they would like to produce. But as things stand today, it is not the workers who are responsible for the ecological damage caused by production: "Nobody asked me what I would like to produce when they hired me. They hired me and that was it."
The Hand That Feeds
Behind the scenes of a popular deli on New York's Upper East Side, undocumented immigrant workers face sublegal wages, dangerous machinery, and abusive managers. Mild-mannered sandwich maker Mahoma López has never been interested in politics, but in Jan. 2012, he convinces a small group of his co-workers to fight back. Risking deportation and the loss of livelihood, the workers team up with a diverse crew of innovative young organizers and take the unusual step of forming an independent union, launching themselves on a journey that will test the limits of their resolve. In one rollercoaster year, they must overcome a shocking betrayal and a two month lockout. Lawyers will battle in backroom negotiations, Occupy Wall Street protesters will take over the restaurant, and a picket line will divide the neighborhood. If they can win a contract, it will set a historic precedent for low-wage workers across the country. But whatever happens, Mahoma and his compañeros won't be exploited again.
An Injury to One
An experimental documentary exploring the turn-of-century lynching of union organizer Frank Little in Butte, Montana.
Revolution, Riot Grrrl Style
Today, we see a new style of feminism springing up everywhere - young, provocative and radical. To get their message across, these women have decided to rely on rock music! While the Pussy Riot shock Russia and fascinate the West, the concerts of Peaches or Grimes are sold out, while artists such as Kathleen Hanna make their comeback to remind us that it all began in 1990 in some backwater of the United States. The RIOT GRRRLS revolutionized rock and inspired entire generations of young artists around the world. This film will explore today s feminist scene while revisiting the little known history of this revolution that shook the early 90s.