
Deadly Professional 2023 (2023)

Género : Drama, Crimen, Acción

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 55M

Director : Shigeru Ishihara
Escritor : Masafumi Nishida


An epidemic is spreading through the towns of Edo – it spreads via people, and if you get the fever, your face will turn red like a demon, and then you will die. There is no cure in sight, and people’s anxiety is increasing.


Noriyuki Higashiyama
Noriyuki Higashiyama
Shogoro Watanabe
Masahiro Matsuoka
Masahiro Matsuoka
Ryoji no Kyojia
Emi Wakui
Emi Wakui
Okiku no Hanagoten
Kenichi Endo
Kenichi Endo
Jinpachiro no Kawaraya
Noriko Nakagoshi
Noriko Nakagoshi
Fuku Watanabe
Yuri Chinen
Yuri Chinen
Katsuhisa Namase
Katsuhisa Namase
Rintaro Masumura
Midoriko Kimura
Midoriko Kimura
Ten Ayanokoji
Satoru Matsuo
Satoru Matsuo
Hikozaemon Suminoe


Shigeru Ishihara
Shigeru Ishihara
Masafumi Nishida
Masafumi Nishida
Masaaki Hirao
Masaaki Hirao

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