La cita de Carl (2023)
New adventure. Same wingman.
Género : Animación, Aventura, Familia
Tiempo de ejecución : 8M
Director : Bob Peterson
Carl accede a regañadientes a tener una cita con una amiga a pesar de no tener ni idea de cómo funcionan las citas de hoy en día. Dug, su servicial amigo, interviene para calmar los nervios previos a la cita de Carl y le ofrece algunos consejos infalibles para hacer amigos, si eres un perro.
A starving man in the Montana wilderness answers a call for help that brings him face to face with what he's been hiding from since the world changed.
At the end of the 1990s the Internet comes to Northern Norway and coincides with the sexual awakening of young Mads (12). The introduction of pornographic images into his life complicates his relationship with his parents, and their house becomes a minefield filled with uncomfortable interactions.
A street cat meets an old man that will change his life forever. Between bowls of milk and warm cuddles, he feels welcomed by his new owner, but the elderly gentleman has secrets of his own.
Doug and Amber were madly in love and married during their college years. Driven by the "dream" of a prosperous life together - Amber worked two jobs to put Doug through school. Soon after they shared in his business success and celebrated the birth of their precious, beautiful daughter. Fast forward 15 years - Amber has continued to be committed to her husband and their marriage, but Doug has fallen into the traps of an unfaithful spouse, convincing himself that he wants more out of life. In the midst of this turmoil, tragedy strikes, but the series of events that follows just might give this couple a chance to survive and once again regain the love for one another that was pledged in their sacred vows, 15 years earlier.
Leon's boss buys a racehorse, but doesn't want word to get out that he is the owner, so he has the papers filled out showing Leon as the owner of record. At first, Leon is excited, but the arrangement soon creates difficulty for him. First, he knows nothing about horses except how to bet on them, and second, when his wife finds out, she is furious.
Shepherd Isa must obey his father's strict order to bring back the lost lamb. On top of the mountain, his little brother and companion, Hamid, is wounded and Isa must decide whether he should do as told or follow his own instinct.
When 14 year old Nete's twin brother Noah is killed in an accident, her world collapses. Months later, her parents decide to move to Copenhagen to start anew. Nete, still deeply troubled by her brother's death, begins in a new school - but the day she starts, a new boy, Jonas, also arrives. To everyone else, he is just the new boy - but Nete is in deep shock at what she sees.
In a nightclub setting, Jimmy Dorsey and His Orchestra, with two of his vocalists, perform four of the group's best known songs. For the complete list of songs, check the soundtrack listing.
Una mujer usa los servicios de una empresa para borrar de su memoria todo recuerdo de su ex pareja. Ofendido, el hombre intenta hacer lo mismo que ella, pero el proceso no sucede según lo esperado y el protagonista debe atravesar la gigantesca marea de recuerdos de su propio cerebro para recomponer las cosas.
Ciudad de México: un fatal accidente automovilístico afecta trágicamente a tres personas. Octavio, un joven adolescente, decide fugarse con Susana, la esposa de su hermano; el Cofí, su perro, se convierte en el medio para conseguir el dinero que necesitan para poder escapar juntos. Al mismo tiempo, Daniel, un hombre de 42 años, deja a su esposa y a sus hijos para irse a vivir con Valeria, una hermosa modelo. El mismo día en que ambos festejan su nueva vida, el destino hace que Valeria sea víctima del trágico accidente.
One day, a son of a king went for a ride in the woods. He fell asleep and didn’t notice he was deep in the forest, where the iron wolf lives. The angry roar and the gnashing of steel jaws awakened him, and he broke into a run to save himself from the dreadful monster.
Cortometraje documental que hace un retrato de Las Hurdes (Cáceres), una de las regiones más pobres y menos desarrolladas de la España de 1932. La insalubridad, la miseria y la falta de oportunidades provocan la emigración de los jóvenes y la soledad de quienes se quedan en esta desolada región extremeña.
Karol ama profundamente a Dominique, pero el problema de impotencia sexual que sufre provoca el divorcio. Una serie de penurias se sucederán en la vida de Karol, que se verá obligado a volver a su Polonia natal y a intentar ganarse la vida como pueda.
Valentina, joven modelo que comienza a ser conocida, ha atropellado con su coche a Rita, una perra que esperaba cachorros. Después de curarla, intenta devolverla a su dueño. Asi conocerá a un hombre mayor, juez jubilado, que rechaza al animal. Valentina descubre que está obsesionado por una enfermiza afición: espiar a todo el mundo.
Chris Wilton es un ambicioso y joven profesor de tenis con escasos recursos económicos. Gracias a su amistad con Tom Hewett, consigue entrar en la alta sociedad londinense y enamorar a su hermana Chloe. Tom, por su parte, sale con Nola Rice, una atractiva americana, de la que Chris se encapricha nada más verla. El azar, la pasión y, sobre todo, la ambición llevarán a Chris a cometer acciones que determinarán su vida y la de los demás para siempre.
1967 - Cannes Film Festival - Palme d'Or - Best Short Film (Nominated)
"…elegant yet rustic in its simplicity of execution; tugged gently toward different sides of the set by hints of color and motion interactions, positive and negative spaces, etc., and the unyielding delivery on one of the great apotheoses of poetic cinema at fade-out time." – Tony Conrad
Lily is a young woman stuck in a violent relationship with James whom she no longer loves. After several years of physical abuse, Lily has now become a silent and obedient victim who’s everyday task is to please James and submit to his demands and authority in order to save herself. Lily’s true love is Zac, a past boyfriend who has started to spend a lot of time around the couple and begins to question Lily’s injuries before discovering the truth.
Nuevo trabajo de Koji Yamamura, completado tras siete años de trabajo gracias a la colaboración del National Film Board of Canada (NFB). Cuenta dos historias en paralelo: la del fotógrafo británico Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904) y la de una joven que crece en la Tokio moderna. La banda sonora incluye el Crab Canon de Bach.