
Beginning (2023)

Asia's first split screen movie

Género : Crimen, Drama, Suspense

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 51M

Director : Jagan Vijaya


Nithya, an IT professional, gets abducted and locked up inside a room by masked strangers. A random call connects her to Bala Subramaniam, a youngster with intellectual disability. Can Bala with his low level of understanding save Nithya?


Vinoth Kishan
Vinoth Kishan
Bala Subramanian
Gouri G Kishan
Gouri G Kishan
Sachin Mani
Sachin Mani
KPY Bala
KPY Bala
Surlee Mahesh
Surlee Mahesh


Jagan Vijaya
Jagan Vijaya
Vijaya Muthuswamy
Vijaya Muthuswamy
Sundaramurthy K. S.
Sundaramurthy K. S.
Music Director
Art Direction
Premkumar CS
Premkumar CS
N. Linguswamy
N. Linguswamy

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