
Who Am I? (2023)

Género : Drama, Familia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 59M

Director : Shireesh Khemariya


Bhavitavya, a philosophy student, is full of questions about life. When his favourite professor passes away, Bhavitavya embarks on a journey of self-discovery, wondering who he is and what his life means.


Chetan Sharma
Chetan Sharma
Bhavitavya / Sadanand
Surendra Rajan
Surendra Rajan
Rishika Chandani
Rishika Chandani
Shashie Verma
Shashie Verma
V.L.N Sir


Shireesh Khemariya
Shireesh Khemariya
Ashok Jamnani
Ashok Jamnani
Kallol Mukherjee
Kallol Mukherjee
Shirish Prakash
Shirish Prakash
Shashank Virag
Shashank Virag
Saksham Yadav
Saksham Yadav
Abhinav Singh
Abhinav Singh

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