
Aagantuk (2023)

Género : Suspense, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 43M

Director : Naitik Raval
Escritor : Kajal Hemal Mehta


On his way back to his house in Saputara, Daanish stumbles upon a stranger lying on the road. The old and tired stranger Shukhlaji latches on to Daanish for a lift on the deserted streets of Saputara ghat. Both strangers, with opposing personalities, inside a car set for a journey full of surprises and shocks.


Utsav Naik
Utsav Naik
Hiten Kumar
Hiten Kumar
Shukla Ji
Netri Trivedi
Netri Trivedi
Shriya Tiwari
Shriya Tiwari
Maria (Nurse)
Sonali Lele Desai
Sonali Lele Desai


Naitik Raval
Naitik Raval
Naitik Raval
Naitik Raval
Jignesh Pandya
Jignesh Pandya
Tapan Jyoti Dutta
Tapan Jyoti Dutta
Prateek Mittal
Prateek Mittal
Kajal Hemal Mehta
Kajal Hemal Mehta
Naitik Raval
Naitik Raval
Shiv Kachiwala
Shiv Kachiwala

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