
The Boy With Two Hearts (2021)

Género : Drama, Familia, Bélica

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 54M

Director : Amit Sharma
Escritor : Phil Porter


When a young mother speaks out against the Taliban, she and her husband are forced to flee their home and country with their three sons. Embarking on a long and terrifying journey across Russia and through Europe, they seek final refuge in the UK. But, as their eldest son’s life-threatening heart condition worsens and requires urgent surgery, their escape soon becomes a race against time. Amit Sharma directs this widely acclaimed stage version of The Boy with Two Hearts (BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week). Based on extraordinary real-life experiences, it is a powerful story of hope, courage, and humanity – and a heartfelt tribute to the NHS.


Shamail Ali
Shamail Ali
Houda Echouafni
Houda Echouafni
Dana Haqjoo
Dana Haqjoo
Farshid Rokey
Farshid Rokey
Ahmad Sakhi
Ahmad Sakhi
Elaha Soroor
Elaha Soroor
Singer/Songwriter & Co-Composer


Amit Sharma
Amit Sharma
Hamed Amiri
Hamed Amiri
Hayley Grindle
Hayley Grindle
Set Designer
Hayley Grindle
Hayley Grindle
Costume Designer
Amy Mae
Amy Mae
Lighting Design
Victoria Ashfield
Victoria Ashfield
Sound Designer
Elaha Soroor
Elaha Soroor
Sound Designer
Sarah Hughes CDG
Sarah Hughes CDG
Casting Director
Pádraig Cusack
Pádraig Cusack
Phil Porter
Phil Porter

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