
Statement of Youth (2019)

Género : Documental, Historia

Tiempo de ejecución : 59M

Director : Nick Brown


At the start of the 80’s sport climbing was in its embryonic stages. Bolted routes were beginning to make a regular appearance, indoor climbing walls as we know them nowadays had not yet been invented and there was no such thing as being a pro athlete. During that period standards rose exponentially, from 7b+ as the cutting edge to 9a becoming the new world standard at the end of the ’80’s. In such a short period the sport changed beyond recognition and, in Britain, was fuelled by a small group of climbers who would do anything to climb full-time: sleeping in sheds underneath crags, shoplifting for food and clothes, and living off unemployment benefits. As illustrated in this film directed by Nick Brown, these climbers were living outside the rest of society and went on to become the most influential figures in the history of British sport climbing.


Jerry Moffatt
Jerry Moffatt
Ben Moon
Ben Moon
Antoine Le Menestrel
Antoine Le Menestrel
Self (archive footage)


Nick Brown
Nick Brown
Nick Brown
Nick Brown
Nick Brown
Nick Brown
Nick Brown
Nick Brown
Nick Brown
Nick Brown
Simon Madden
Simon Madden
Ben Bevan-Pritchard
Ben Bevan-Pritchard
Alun Hugues
Alun Hugues

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