
The Gates (2008)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 38M

Director : Antonio Ferrera, Albert Maysles, David Maysles, Matthew Prinzing


A documentary on New York City’s biggest public art project ever, an installation called “The Gates” by Christo and Jeanne Claude.


Michael Bloomberg
Michael Bloomberg
Rasha Refaie
Rasha Refaie


Antonio Ferrera
Antonio Ferrera
Albert Maysles
Albert Maysles
Albert Maysles
Albert Maysles
Maureen A. Ryan
Maureen A. Ryan
David Maysles
David Maysles
Matthew Prinzing
Matthew Prinzing
Antonio Ferrera
Antonio Ferrera
Matthew Prinzing
Matthew Prinzing
Antonio Ferrera
Antonio Ferrera
Vladimir Yavachev
Vladimir Yavachev
Antonio Ferrera
Antonio Ferrera

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