
Toxic Restoration (2019)

Finding light in the darkness...

Género : Terror, Drama, Acción

Tiempo de ejecución : 19M

Director : Devin McKiernan


Two teenage brothers attempt to escape their hometown during the outbreak of a cure gone wrong, while the federals wipe out all living beings with the hope of restoring faith in humanity.


Devin McKiernan
Devin McKiernan
Chris McKiernan
Chris McKiernan
Cameron Augustine
Cameron Augustine
Amber Augustine
Amber Augustine
Dead Mother
Marissa Rentschler
Marissa Rentschler
Infected Woman
Cameron Augustine
Cameron Augustine
Officer 1
Maxwell Wilke
Maxwell Wilke
Officer 2


Devin McKiernan
Devin McKiernan
Devin McKiernan
Devin McKiernan
Costi Khamis
Costi Khamis
Kaya Stokes
Kaya Stokes
Devin McKiernan
Devin McKiernan
Cameron Augustine
Cameron Augustine
Kaya Stokes
Kaya Stokes
Costi Khamis
Costi Khamis
Costi Khamis
Costi Khamis
Writers' Assistant
Kaya Stokes
Kaya Stokes
Writers' Assistant
Maxwell Wilke
Maxwell Wilke
Writers' Assistant
Jon Bowersox
Jon Bowersox
Writers' Assistant
Costi Khamis
Costi Khamis
Director of Photography
Kaya Stokes
Kaya Stokes
Director of Photography
Cameron Augustine
Cameron Augustine
Director of Photography

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