
Madogiwa no Totto-chan (2023)

Género : Animación, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : Shinnosuke Yakuwa
Escritor : Shinnosuke Yakuwa


This engaging series of childhood recollections tells about an ideal school in Tokyo during World War II that combined learning with fun, freedom, and love. This unusual school had old railroad cars for classrooms, and it was run by an extraordinary man-its founder and headmaster, Sosaku Kobayashi--who was a firm believer in freedom of expression and activity.


Liliana Oono
Liliana Oono
Totto-chan (voice)
Koji Yakusho
Koji Yakusho
Sōsaku Kobayashi (voice)
Shun Oguri
Shun Oguri
Moritsuna Kuroyanagi (voice)
Anne Watanabe
Anne Watanabe
Cho Kuroyanagi (voice)
Karen Takizawa
Karen Takizawa
Miss Oishi (voice)


Shinnosuke Yakuwa
Shinnosuke Yakuwa
Shinnosuke Yakuwa
Shinnosuke Yakuwa
Shizue Kaneko
Shizue Kaneko
Character Designer
Yuji Nomi
Yuji Nomi
Original Music Composer
Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
Yosuke Suzuki
Yosuke Suzuki
Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
Executive Producer
Theme Song Performance
Takuya Wada
Takuya Wada
Art Designer
Kyoko Yauchi
Kyoko Yauchi
Art Designer
Tatsuya Kushida
Tatsuya Kushida
Art Direction
Sanae Matsutani
Sanae Matsutani
Color Designer
Kentaro Minegishi
Kentaro Minegishi
Director of Photography
Toshihiko Kojima
Toshihiko Kojima
Yoji Shimizu
Yoji Shimizu
Sound Director
Shizuo Kurahashi
Shizuo Kurahashi
Sound Effects
Sachiko Nishi
Sachiko Nishi
Sound Effects

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