
Mátalos A Todos (2023)

Género : Drama, Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 19M

Director : Sebastian Molina Ruíz
Escritor : Venancio Villalobos, Sebastian Molina Ruíz


Mila and María are two teenagers who get to know each other through video correspondences they send to each other. One day, they arrange to meet in person.


Mila Mijangos Martínez
Mila Mijangos Martínez
María Villanueva
María Villanueva
Derek Curiel
Derek Curiel


Daniela Mosca Steinhauer
Daniela Mosca Steinhauer
Diandra Arriaga
Diandra Arriaga
Angel Jara Taboada
Angel Jara Taboada
Andrea Rabasa
Andrea Rabasa
Sebastian Molina Ruíz
Sebastian Molina Ruíz
Talia Ruiz Tovar
Talia Ruiz Tovar
Sound Designer
Miguel Angel Molina Gutierrez
Miguel Angel Molina Gutierrez
Sound Designer
Venancio Villalobos
Venancio Villalobos
Sebastian Molina Ruíz
Sebastian Molina Ruíz
Sebastian Molina Ruíz
Sebastian Molina Ruíz

Carteles y fondos


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