
The Crimebusters (1961)

Género : Crimen, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 28M

Director : Boris Sagal
Escritor : David Karp


Government agents hunt America's most dangerous crooks. Based on the "Cain's Hundred" TV series.


Peter Mark Richman
Peter Mark Richman
Nicholas Cain
Martin Gabel
Martin Gabel
George Vincent
Phillip Pine
Phillip Pine
Phil Krajac
Carol Eve Rossen
Carol Eve Rossen
Gavin MacLeod
Gavin MacLeod
Harry Deiner
Bruce Dern
Bruce Dern
Joe Krajac
Ted de Corsia
Ted de Corsia
Chris Narleski


Boris Sagal
Boris Sagal
David Karp
David Karp
David Karp
David Karp
Paul Monash
Paul Monash

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The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: My First Adventure
In the first film in the series, in May 1908, famed Professor Henry Jones Sr. is invited to give lectures all over the world. He takes along his wife and son, and invites his former tutor Miss Helen Seymour to teach Henry Jr. during the trip. Their first stop is Cairo, Egypt. When Junior, who prefers to be called 'Indy' and Miss Seymour visit the pyramids, they are invited by T.E. Lawrence (another former student of hers) to join an archaeological dig. When the mummy disappears and a priceless headpiece is stolen, young Indy gets his first taste of adventure. On their next stop in Tangiers, the family stays with Professor Jones' former class mate Walter Harris. Indy befriends a young slave named Omar who belongs to Emily Keen. The two of them get into trouble when they Indy insists on visiting the market place to see a salted head displayed on a pole. Caught by slave traders, they are end up at an auction from which only Harris can attempt to rescue them.
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The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Daredevils of the Desert
In the fifteenth film in the series, in October 1917, working with a beautiful lady spy, Indiana Jones is assigned to assist the British forces in their attack on the Turkish-occupied town of Beersheba. With a regiment of the Australian Lighthorsemen approaching, Indy must defuse the explosives the Turks have placed throughout the town.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Oganga, The Giver and Taker of Life
In the eleventh film in the series, in December 1916, Indy, still stationed in Africa, is promoted to Captain and then ordered to cross the jungle with Remy and Captain Boucher to pick up a shipment of weaponry. Along the way, Ubangan Sergeant Barthélèmy picks up the sole surviving child from a disease-ravaged village despite Boucher's orders against it. On the way back, Indy and company succumb to disease themselves, and are picked up by Albert Schweitzer and the orderlies from his jungle hospital. At first resistant to being treated by a German, Indy soon begins to realize that Schweitzer is not interested in war, only attempting to cure people against all odds.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Attack of the Hawkmen
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The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Trenches of Hell
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The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Travels with Father
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The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Journey of Radiance
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The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Passion for Life
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The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Tales of Innocence
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The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Adventures in the Secret Service
In the thirteenth film in the series, in March 1917, Indiana Jones, now a captain in the French army, is assigned to escort two Austrian princes to meet with Emperor Karl I and convince him to broker a peace deal with France and Britain at the expense of Austria's alliance with Germany. Two months later, at the French Embassy in Petrograd, Indy must decide between his loyalty to his friends and his work in French Intelligence when he is pressed to discover details of a possible Bolshevik revolution in Russia which would cripple the French war effort.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Espionage Escapades
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In the twenty-first film in the series, in 1920's New York, twenty-year-old Indiana Jones is working backstage at George White's Scandals. Having just arrived in the Big Apple, Indy manages to woo no less than three girls in as many days: singer Peggy, poet Kate and socialite Gloria. He manages to get Peggy a song to sing by his good friend George Gershwin, Kate and her friends at the Vicious circle will review the show and Gloria's father helps out to back the show when White needs financial help.
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Black Panther
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Durante las labores de recuperación de los restos del famoso Titanic, una anciana norteamericana se pone en contacto con la expedición para acudir a una plataforma flotante instalada en el Mar del Norte y asistir 'in situ' a la recuperación de sus recuerdos. A través de su memoria reviviremos los acontecimientos que marcaron el siniestro más famoso del siglo XX: el hundimiento del trasatlántico más lujoso del mundo, la máquina más sofisticada de su tiempo, considerada «insumergible», que sucumbió a las heladas aguas del Atlántico en abril de 1912, llevándose consigo la vida de mil quinientas personas, más de la mitad del pasaje. En los recueros de la anciana hay cabida para algo más que la tragedia, la historia de amor que vivió con un joven pasajero de tercera clase, un pintor aficionado que había ganado su pasaje en una partida las cartas en una taberna de Southampton.