Resistance: They Fought Back (2024)

Género : Documental, Historia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 30M

Director : Paula S. Apsell, Kirk Wolfinger


Resistance: They Fought Back tells the largely unknown and incredibly courageous story of Jewish resistance during the Holocaust.


Joel de la Fuente
Joel de la Fuente
Marcel Nadjari
Lisa Loeb
Lisa Loeb
Ruzka Korchak
Andrew Kishino
Andrew Kishino
Mordechai Anielewicz
Mark Zeisler
Mark Zeisler
Emanuel Ringelblum
Julie Benko
Julie Benko
Vita Kempner
David Rosenberg
David Rosenberg
Marek Edelman
Corey Stoll
Corey Stoll
Dianna Agron
Dianna Agron
Maggie Siff
Maggie Siff


Paula S. Apsell
Paula S. Apsell
Kirk Wolfinger
Kirk Wolfinger
Paula S. Apsell
Paula S. Apsell
Jay Owens
Jay Owens
Adam Costa
Adam Costa
Director of Photography
Ezra Wolfinger
Ezra Wolfinger
Director of Photography
Greg McCleary
Greg McCleary
Carrie Faverty
Carrie Faverty
Julie Schubert
Julie Schubert
Yael Beals
Yael Beals
Michael Berenbaum
Michael Berenbaum
Executive Producer
Michael J. Bohnen
Michael J. Bohnen
Executive Producer
Lisa Goodfellow Bowe
Lisa Goodfellow Bowe
Mirit Eisen
Mirit Eisen
Executive Producer
Ori Eisen
Ori Eisen
Executive Producer
Richard Freund
Richard Freund
Executive Producer
Owen Palmquist
Owen Palmquist
Richard A. Salomon
Richard A. Salomon
Executive Producer

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