
Should I Kill Myself, Or Have A Cup Of Coffee? (2023)

Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 5M

Director : Vidar Joshi


When a young filmmaker meets a living film legend and an enigma Albert, for his Mumbai based short film, Albert throws the script away and instead takes him on a journey around the city. Not to shoot a film but to capture the spirit of Bombay in an alcohol bottle.


Abhishekh Khan
Abhishekh Khan
Harsh Salunke
Harsh Salunke
Disciple Dinesh


Vidar Joshi
Vidar Joshi
Vidar Joshi
Vidar Joshi
Vidar Joshi
Vidar Joshi
Yoshita Pareek
Yoshita Pareek
Nishad Utane
Nishad Utane
Abhishekh Khan
Abhishekh Khan

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