Shadows of a Leader: Qaddafi's Female Bodyguards (2004)
Género : Documental
Tiempo de ejecución : 59M
Director : Rania Ajami
The documentary investigates the phenomenon of Qaddafi's elite female bodyguard corps and the tensions these women embody: tensions between Islam, modernisation in a nomadic society, a militarist feminism and an urban dictatorship.
Featuring real interviews and archive footage, this documentary gives an overview of Gaddafi's tyrannical reign over Libya from his early life until his death in 2011.
BEAUTY WILL SAVE THE WORLD charts the journey of 19 year old Tecca Zendik, a contestant in the Miss Net World contest, Libya's first every beauty competition. Colonel Muammar Qaddafi hosts this competition and the film includes extraordinary footage of the Colonel. Tecca's story reveals an incredible conclusion no-one could have guessed when private jests transported the beauties to the country feared by the West in the 1980's.
El 11 de septiembre de 2012, en el aniversario de los ataques terroristas a las Torres Gemelas y al Pentágono, un grupo de milicianos islamistas atentaron contra el consulado estadounidense y un anexo cercano de la CIA en Bengasi, Libia. Un equipo de seis miembros de Operaciones Especiales de Estados Unidos fue enviado para rescatar a los supervivientes.
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un grupo de prisioneros ingleses se encuentra encarcelado en un campo militar del norte de África. Allí sufren la ira de un sádico sargento.
This story is not a figment of the scriptwriters’ imagination; these are real living facts. New Russian action movie Shugaley is a story about the war that is going on today. The film is based on real events taking place in Libya today. Two Russian social scientists, Maxim Shugaley and Samir Seifan, are invited to the conflict-torn country to carry out a public opinion research. In the course of their work, they come over the information, that would be damaging to the puppet government if made public. Russians are kidnapped and tortured in a private prison for more than a year. The situation cannot be resolved peacefully, so the Russian side is preparing a rescue operation. Premiere date - end of april 2020
Libia, 1929. El Ejército Italiano lleva años luchando para ocupar el país contra la resistencia beduina liderada por Omar Mukhtar (Anthony Quinn). Cansado de la situación, Benito Mussolini (Rod Steiger) pone al mando de la lucha en Libia al General Graziani (Oliver Reed), tan arrogante como eficaz, para desatascar la situación. Pero derrota tras derrota Graziani descubrirá que Omar Mukhtar, El León del Desierto, es un combatiente infatigable digno de ser su mejor adversario.
At first glance, Matthew VanDyke—a shy Baltimore native with a sheltered upbringing and a tormenting OCD diagnosis—is the last person you’d imagine on the front lines of the 2011 Libyan revolution. But after finishing grad school and escaping the U.S. for "a crash course in manhood," a winding path leads him just there. Motorcycling across North Africa and the Middle East and spending time as an embedded journalist in Iraq, Matthew lands in Libya, forming an unexpected kinship with a group of young men who transform his life. Matthew joins his friends in the rebel army against Gaddafi, taking up arms (and a camera). Along the way, he is captured and held in solitary confinement for six terrifying months.
Enfrentándose a un futuro incierto, Witek, un joven polaco estudiante de medicina, decide interrumpir temporalmente sus estudios y coger un tren e ir a Varsovia.
Un oficial del ejército británico es enviado al Norte de África para luchar a las órdenes de un militar de graduación superior en un ataque contra los cuarteles de Rommel en Libia. Allí descubrirá que la mujer de su vida se ha casado con su superior, lo que hará crecer la rivalidad entre ambos.
A raíz de una masacre civil en una zona de guerra exterior, el Navy SEAL Rick Tyler es sentenciado a pudrirse en una prisión militar de máxima seguridad hasta que se le ofrece la oportunidad de ganar su libertad. Tyler tendrá que acabar con algunos de los asesinos más despiadados del mundo en algunos de los lugares más brutales del mundo para ganar el juego, obtener su libertad y averiguar por qué se creó . La pregunta es, ¿podrá lograr todo esto antes de que el juego termine?
Durante la retirada británica, David Holland se refugia en una tribu beduina y se casa con la hija del jeque. No obstante, muere cuando intenta reunirse con su regimiento. (FILMAFFINITY)
In 1981, seven Libyan exiles formed the core opposition group to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. Thirty years later, they are back to their country only to inherit the mess he left. The film is an intricate blend of rare first-hand accounts, propaganda archival material turned on its head, evocative cinematography and an untold history of a country.
Haja Fatma, a mother to eight children, tells the tale of family life in Tripoli during the Libyan Revolution. Women, young and old, all contributed during these hostile months in their own unique way. A human portal into the acts of ordinary people in their hope for freedom.
Con el estallido de la Primavera Árabe en Libia, Gadafi saca miles de millones de dólares en efectivo de su país. Diez meses después es capturado y asesinado. Dos equipos de cazarrecompensas buscan el tesoro en Sudáfrica.
The second Libyan feature-length film.
Three friends enlist in the Australian Army and serve in North Africa, holding the city of Tobruk against Rommel's forces.
An epic war film about the battle of the Italian and Libyan armies.
An ordinary Libyan citizen tries to cope with different ideologies by changing the way he dresses. The Random examines post-revolution Libyian society and the way individuals try to uphold their opinions by force.
Capulina chip and are transported back to prehistoric times with a time machine. There they live crazy adventures.
Enrique y su esposa esperan con ansiedad la llegada de varios matrimonios muy amigos que, como cada sábado, acuden a cenar.
An act of kindness leads to the destruction of two lives in just thirty miles, when a hitchiker and his ride let down their guards and reveal intimate, dark secrets about their pasts
El tema de la película es la migración de mexicanos a los Estados Unidos en busca del "sueño americano". Piporro cruza el Río Grande nadando ilegalmente, y vive una serie de eventos que lo llevan a alejarse de la policía para ganar el premio de "Bracero del Año" por su trabajo en la cosecha.
Jimmy Rivière is a young Gypsy, has a sunny but nervous disposition. Sometimes too nervous. Under pressure from his community, he converts to Pentacostalism and renounces his two passions: Thai boxing and Sonia. But how can he refuse the new fight that his trainer proposes? And how can he resist the powerful desire that draws him to Sonia?
After her son gets killed in a car crash, Elena loses all lust for life. Recovering from the crash in a hospital a stranger, David, kidnaps her and takes her for a mysterious journey in an old camper.
Brazilian singer Maria Bethania has a 40-year singing career. A documentary shows her concerts and famous family.
Una divertida aventura de Viruta y Capulina en donde se verán enredados en un lío de boxeadores confundiendo tanto la situación que ni sus bellas amigas los podrán salvar de una gran golpiza.
When Professor Marsh disappears while searching for the lost city of Lukachukai, his daughter enlists the help of the Three Mesquiteers.
Víctor debe dejar su vida de parrandas y cambiar a su novia, Lucero, por la futura esposa que le espera en su pueblo natal. (FILMAFFINITY)
Private Diary documents photographer Pedro Usabiaga working with a variety of amateur models. The audience sees how the relationships between the photographer and the subjects changes during their time together, as well as how the individual photographs begin to take shape. Pedro Usabiaga is a well-established Basque photographer whose chief concerns are figurative photography and whose passion in photographing the Spanish male. In this hour long conversation with the artist we are given entry into that process of selecting models (none of the models he uses for this book to be titled 'Private Diary' are professional, but instead are randomly chosen as Usabiaga observes athletes in action) and then allowed to follow Usabiaga and his crew as they photograph these men in natural settings and natural light.
Hollywood, 1927. El cine sonoro acaba de nacer y los grandes estudios de cine, atendiendo a la demanda de millones de hispanohablantes, empiezan a producir versiones en español de sus más ambiciosas producciones. Es entonces cuando un grupo de directores, guionistas y actores españoles decide instalarse en Los Ángeles con el propósito de hacerse un hueco entre las más grandes estrellas.
Marina Orlova couldn't even imagine how many adventures are expecting to her in a first grade...