
Birdsong (2008)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 38M

Director : Albert Serra


The Three Wise Kings travel in search of the Messiah, with unexpected obstacles on the way.


Lluís Carbó
Lluís Carbó
First Wise Man
Lluís Serrat Batlle
Lluís Serrat Batlle
Second Wise Man
Lluís Serrat
Lluís Serrat
Third Wise Man
Montse Triola
Montse Triola
Mark Peranson
Mark Peranson
Victòria Aragonés
Victòria Aragonés


Albert Serra
Albert Serra
Albert Serra
Albert Serra
Luis Miñarro
Luis Miñarro
Executive Producer
Montse Triola
Montse Triola
Executive Producer
Neus Ollé
Neus Ollé
Àngel Martín
Àngel Martín
Albert Serra
Albert Serra
Jimmy Gimferrer
Jimmy Gimferrer
Production Design
Jimmy Gimferrer
Jimmy Gimferrer
Art Direction
Jimmy Gimferrer
Jimmy Gimferrer
Costume Design
Joan Pons
Joan Pons
Jaume Puig
Jaume Puig
Jordi Ribas
Jordi Ribas
Maria Colomé
Maria Colomé
Costume Design
Rocío Martagón
Rocío Martagón
Production Manager
Sarah Morel
Sarah Morel
Unit Manager
Àngel Martín
Àngel Martín
First Assistant Director
Ricard Casals
Ricard Casals
Recording Supervision
Javier Valdés
Javier Valdés
Production Manager
Edgar Gallart
Edgar Gallart
Assistant Camera
Balthazar Klarwein
Balthazar Klarwein
Assistant Camera
Glòria Masó
Glòria Masó
Glyn Bruce Watson
Glyn Bruce Watson
Set Costumer
Jacob Torres
Jacob Torres
Jimmy Gimferrer
Jimmy Gimferrer
Director of Photography

Carteles y fondos


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