
Padmasree Bharat Dr. Saroj Kumar (2012)

Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 27M

Director : Sajin Raaghavan


In the film, Sreenivasan reprises the character of Superstar Saroj Kumar from the popular 2005 malayalam film Udayananu Tharam.


Megastar Lt. Col. Padmasree Bharat Dr. Saroj Kumar
Vineeth Sreenivasan
Vineeth Sreenivasan
Mamta Mohandas
Mamta Mohandas
Fahadh Faasil
Fahadh Faasil
Alex Samuel
Jagathy Sreekumar
Jagathy Sreekumar
Pachalam Bhasi
Suraj Venjaramoodu
Suraj Venjaramoodu
Muttathara Babu
Salim Kumar
Salim Kumar
Special Appearance
Meera Nandan
Meera Nandan
Special Appearance
Special Appearance
Nimisha Suresh
Nimisha Suresh
Special Appearance
Kollam Thulasi
Kollam Thulasi
Union Leader
Apoorva Bose
Apoorva Bose
Sajitha Betti
Sajitha Betti
Neelima's friend
Ponnamma Babu
Ponnamma Babu
Neelima's friend
Shyam's mother


Sajin Raaghavan
Sajin Raaghavan
Vaishaka Rajan
Vaishaka Rajan
Deepak Dev
Deepak Dev
S. Kumar
S. Kumar
Kevin Thomas
Kevin Thomas

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