
Halves of Three (2024)

Friendship and love split into three.

Género : Romance, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 14M

Director : Zsoly Vatany


Gheorghe, a reserved exchange student is confronted with his feelings of friendship turning into love for his best friend, Isaac. As they spend their last day together, he grapples with the fear of rejection, leading to a crucial moment of self-discovery. This poignant narrative delves into the themes of unrequited love, friendship, sexuality, and the courage to express the truth, even when it seems too hard.


Gil Sidaway
Gil Sidaway
Frankie Golding
Frankie Golding
Helen Bishop
Helen Bishop


Zsoly Vatany
Zsoly Vatany
Zsoly Vatany
Zsoly Vatany
Zsoly Vatany
Zsoly Vatany
Simon Cheung
Simon Cheung
Karen Yepez
Karen Yepez
Alex Roberts
Alex Roberts
Production Design
Simon Cheung
Simon Cheung
Director of Photography
Jordan Rhys Byfield
Jordan Rhys Byfield
Sarah-Louise Davila
Sarah-Louise Davila
Sound Designer
Christopher Schlechte-Bond
Christopher Schlechte-Bond
Rita Sigmond
Rita Sigmond
Music Supervisor
Stallone Tandhoson
Stallone Tandhoson
Unit Production Manager
Thomas James
Thomas James
First Assistant Director
Alex Roberts
Alex Roberts
Costume Designer
Lucy Foley
Lucy Foley
Art Department Assistant
Rory Curley
Rory Curley
Executive Producer
Aman Rohela
Aman Rohela
Production Assistant
Jonny Yepez
Jonny Yepez
Morgan Quashie
Morgan Quashie
First Assistant Camera
Kata Szabo
Kata Szabo
Second Assistant Camera
Maxence Ewers
Maxence Ewers
Timothy Lee
Timothy Lee
Best Boy Electric
Satsita Gavasheli
Satsita Gavasheli
Sound Recordist
Tobias Shaw
Tobias Shaw
Boom Operator
Fern Jessop
Fern Jessop
Script Supervisor
Lucy Foley
Lucy Foley
Gareth Henry
Gareth Henry
Stunt Coordinator
Adam Jasen
Adam Jasen
Simon Cheung
Simon Cheung
Szabolcs Vatany
Szabolcs Vatany
Title Graphics

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