
They Turned Us Into Killers (2024)

Género : Terror, Suspense, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : Thomas Walton


A girl named Karma is drugged and assaulted by her boyfriend, BJ, which leads to her tragically committing suicide. Prior to this devastating event, she writes a letter to her best friend, Star, detailing the horrific events that unfolded that fateful night. Determined to seek revenge against those responsible, Star hunts down BJ and his brothers, and begins to torture them, while reading to them Karma's suicide letter, before taking each of their lives.


Taryn Manning
Taryn Manning
Scout Taylor-Compton
Scout Taylor-Compton
Michael Berryman
Michael Berryman
Bill Moseley
Bill Moseley
Kane Hodder
Kane Hodder
Beau Sr.
Lauren Francesca
Lauren Francesca
Brian Anthony Wilson
Brian Anthony Wilson
Zion Miller
Tony D. Head
Tony D. Head
Older Walter
Julie Stackhouse
Julie Stackhouse
Michael Emery
Michael Emery
Jason Johnson
Bryce Draper
Bryce Draper
Dante Nero
Dante Nero
The Man
Brandon Irons
Brandon Irons
Joe Leone
Joe Leone
Jackson Everest
Jackson Everest
Detective Michael Lipson
Tony Devon
Tony Devon
Detective Dakota
Greg Tally
Greg Tally
Detective Tate
Thomas Walton
Thomas Walton
Xander Goldman
Xander Goldman
Officer Jeff Smith
Maritza Brikisak
Maritza Brikisak
Detective Marcia Anderson
DJ Fresh
David M. Raine
David M. Raine
Walter Miller
Dennis Garrett
Dennis Garrett
Nurse George
Christian Moore
Christian Moore
Officer Moore
Louie Torrellas
Louie Torrellas
Tamara Hayes
Tamara Hayes
Party Goer
Warren Smith II
Warren Smith II
Young Zion
R.J. Koker
R.J. Koker
Kevin Day
Kevin Day
Pool Player 2
Jenna Ball
Jenna Ball
Pool Player 1
David E. Thomas
David E. Thomas
Hooded Man
Renee Chambers-Liciaga
Renee Chambers-Liciaga
Louise Miller


Thomas Walton
Thomas Walton
Thomas Walton
Thomas Walton
Reuven Herman
Reuven Herman
Russ Jaquith
Russ Jaquith
George Lambriodes
George Lambriodes
Lead Editor
Navid Sanati
Navid Sanati
Richard Butterfoss
Richard Butterfoss
Production Design
Darlene Juhasz
Darlene Juhasz
Makeup Artist
Umarah Sheikh
Umarah Sheikh
Makeup Artist
Justin Kuhn
Justin Kuhn
Post Production Supervisor
Matt Macur
Matt Macur
Head of Production
Joe Barlam
Joe Barlam
Associate Producer
Maritza Brikisak
Maritza Brikisak
Executive Producer
Tyrone Evans Clark
Tyrone Evans Clark
Associate Producer
Lauren Francesca
Lauren Francesca
Xander Goldman
Xander Goldman
Associate Producer
Jeremy Hirsch
Jeremy Hirsch
Executive Producer
Michael Anthony Joy
Michael Anthony Joy
Associate Producer
Jay Katzen
Jay Katzen
Co-Executive Producer
Matt Macur
Matt Macur
Executive Producer
Owen Palmiotti
Owen Palmiotti
Associate Producer
Jared Safier
Jared Safier
Executive Producer
Justin Safier
Justin Safier
Executive Producer
Navid Sanati
Navid Sanati
Rob Simmons
Rob Simmons
Executive Producer
Paul Torre
Paul Torre
Co-Executive Producer
Lenny Vitulli
Lenny Vitulli
Executive Producer
Thomas Walton
Thomas Walton
Executive Producer
Thomas Walton
Thomas Walton
Ghassan W. Abdelnour
Ghassan W. Abdelnour
Dialogue Editor
Ghassan W. Abdelnour
Ghassan W. Abdelnour
Foley Artist
Samantha Lynn Cohen
Samantha Lynn Cohen
Sound Recordist
Biajani Sheena Marrero
Biajani Sheena Marrero
Sound Supervisor
Jason S. Schweitzer
Jason S. Schweitzer
Foley Artist
Josh Whiting
Josh Whiting
ADR Mixer
Josh Whiting
Josh Whiting
Dialogue Editor
Josh Whiting
Josh Whiting
Recording Supervision
Justin Kuhn
Justin Kuhn
Visual Effects Supervisor
Kaustav Sinha
Kaustav Sinha
Visual Effects Coordinator
Ryan Licul
Ryan Licul
Troy Robert McArdle
Troy Robert McArdle
Key Grip
Francis Serra
Francis Serra
Yolanda Keil
Yolanda Keil
Matt Macur
Matt Macur
Stiz Grimey
Stiz Grimey
Adam Kobylarz
Adam Kobylarz
Music Producer
Jared Gunkle
Jared Gunkle
Production Assistant
Tamara Hayes
Tamara Hayes
Production Assistant
Christian Moore
Christian Moore
Production Assistant
David E. Thomas
David E. Thomas
Production Assistant
Dennis Garrett
Dennis Garrett
Craft Service
Dennis Garrett
Dennis Garrett
Set Medic
Wesley Green
Wesley Green
Production Assistant
Steven Robert Alexander
Steven Robert Alexander

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