
Sangre Violenta / Sangre Violeta (2024)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 15M

Director : Arturo R. Jiménez, Edna Diaz


Why does the Mexican government consider the feminist movement a bigger threat than most drug cartels? The short documentary 'SANGRE VIOLENTA / SANGRE VIOLETA' interweaves three narratives, illuminating the motivations behind their activism in Mexico. These stories include a radical feminist collective, an inspiring survivor of an acid attack, and a grieving father who tragically lost his seven-year-old daughter to femicide.


María Elena Ríos
María Elena Ríos


Maggie M. Bailey
Maggie M. Bailey
Sandra De Silva De La Torre
Sandra De Silva De La Torre
Fitzia Benítez
Fitzia Benítez
Amaranta Díaz
Amaranta Díaz
Production Coordinator
Arturo R. Jiménez
Arturo R. Jiménez
Edna Diaz
Edna Diaz

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