
Horizon Saudi Arabia (2024)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 50M

Director : Lilou Lemaire


From the turtles of the Farasan Islands to the ibex that dot the Asir Mountains, this documentary captures Saudi Arabia's diverse wildlife and scenery.



Julien Munschy
Julien Munschy
Gavin Thurston
Gavin Thurston
Director of Photography
Lilou Lemaire
Lilou Lemaire
Xavier Plouchart
Xavier Plouchart
Music Arranger
Eric Münch
Eric Münch
Sound Editor
Patrick Martinache
Patrick Martinache
Foley Artist
Assistant Director
Lilou Lemaire
Lilou Lemaire
Camera Operator
Matthias Abrantes
Matthias Abrantes
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Eric Münch
Eric Münch
Sound Engineer
Camera Production Assistant
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Graphic Designer
Graphic Designer
Barry Thurston, Jr.
Barry Thurston, Jr.
Aurore Ollevier
Aurore Ollevier
Editorial Production Assistant
Reda Berbar
Reda Berbar
Color Grading
Color Grading

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