
Living Skeleton (1968)

Género : Terror

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 21M

Director : Hiroshi Matsuno
Escritor : Kyuzo Kobayashi, Kikuma Shimoiizaka


A ship is attacked at sea for its cargo by a group of thieves who murder a newlywed doctor and rape his wife. Three years later her twin sister is kidnapped by the same pirates, who begin to die strange deaths...


Kikko Matsuoka
Kikko Matsuoka
Yasunori Irikawa
Yasunori Irikawa
Masumi Okada
Masumi Okada
Father / Boss
Asao Uchida
Asao Uchida
Asao Koike
Asao Koike
Toshihiko Yamamoto
Toshihiko Yamamoto
Keijiro Kikyo
Keijiro Kikyo
Noriko Hidaka
Noriko Hidaka
Kaori Taniguchi
Kaori Taniguchi
Keiko Yanagawa
Keiko Yanagawa
Sanae Suetsugu
Kazuo Mayumida
Kazuo Mayumida
Minoru Hirano
Minoru Hirano
Kaitan Uchida
Kaitan Uchida
Michiko Takebe
Michiko Takebe
Nobuo Kaneko
Nobuo Kaneko
Kō Nishimura
Kō Nishimura


Hiroshi Matsuno
Hiroshi Matsuno
Kyuzo Kobayashi
Kyuzo Kobayashi
Kikuma Shimoiizaka
Kikuma Shimoiizaka
Akira Inomata
Akira Inomata
Masayuki Kato
Masayuki Kato
Director of Photography
Kazuo Ôta
Kazuo Ôta
Kyôhei Morita
Kyôhei Morita
Production Design
Noboru Nishiyama
Noboru Nishiyama
Original Music Composer
Takehiko Sakuma
Takehiko Sakuma
Lighting Technician
Hideo Kobayashi
Hideo Kobayashi
Sound Recordist
Hirofumi Satô
Hirofumi Satô
Sound Mixer
Masami Rissen
Masami Rissen
Assistant Director

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