
Mondo (1995)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 20M

Director : Tony Gatlif


Un día de verano aparece en las calles de Niza un niño de unos once años, sin familia, ni posesiones, y sin escolarizar, pero con una gran sonrisa. Pronto, la gente se acostumbra a verlo, y él ayuda a un mago callejero, hace amistad con un viejo vagabundo que lleva palomas en una maleta y hasta encuentra a una "madre"... (FILMAFFINITY)


Ovidiu Balan
Ovidiu Balan
Philippe Petit
Philippe Petit
Pierrette Fesch
Pierrette Fesch
Schahla Aalam
Schahla Aalam
Maurice Maurin
Maurice Maurin
Maurice Maurin
Maurice Maurin
Maurice Maurin
Maurice Maurin
Catherine Brun
Catherine Brun
Ange Gobbi
Ange Gobbi
Jean Ferrier
Jean Ferrier
Marcel Lemuet
Marcel Lemuet
Jerry Smith
Jerry Smith


Tony Gatlif
Tony Gatlif
Tony Gatlif
Tony Gatlif
Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio
Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio

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And I'll Run to the Ends of the Earth
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The Little Thief
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The Mistral
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El baile
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Don Quixote
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La muchacha bajo el cielo azul
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El santo oficio
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Come take an avant-garde walk in the Montparnasse of the late 1920's. This district of Paris, filmed in a most unusual way, shows how dedicated it is to art. Visit its art galleries and exhibitions, take a glimpse of famous painter Fujita, of Luis Buñuel eyeing the legs of beautiful Parisian passing the terrace of the café where he sits, of Italian futurists Marinetti, Prampolini and Russolo.
Antonio and Concha, a couple who are constantly fighting about money, win the Christmas Lottery first prize. Concha, who is very bossy, starts making decisions about how they're going to spend it. But Antonio is fed up with her, he just wants to go to Brazil, lay in the sun, and never see her again. So he starts to plan how to get rid of her...
A lighthouse guardian leads a young prince towards an imaginary world, Taxandria, where the boy learns about the power of love and the value of liberty. A totalitarian regime has forbidden time: time watches have been confiscated, photo cameras are illegal as they freeze a point in time. A typical Servais theme: a power is oppressed by a constraint that denies what is best in the individual, and therefore has to be twisted in various ways, to establish an entirely artificial world, that has rules that may question some of the rules of our world at this side of the mirror.